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    Saturday, April 24, 2021

    Battlefield I love little easter eggs like this

    Battlefield I love little easter eggs like this

    I love little easter eggs like this

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    456m sturmtiger kill (Hamada)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    I made the P33 Pereira from Battlefield 2142!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    D o N t P r E o R d E r

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Did this back in the bf3 days when we were stomping the other team on Kharg Island Rush. Pretty sure we got booted when we did this.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    I still play every weekend ��

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Are countering bayonets a thing? Or did I just get lucky? ��

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    “Won’t work, but I mean, I could try to shoot it …”

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    They call me....Stewart the Staber-er

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    POV: You just went up the Elevator

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Breakthrough/Operations is going to be so good in bf6 if it’s in a modern setting

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Just imagine. Your squad has just lost the sector, and your ordered to retreat. your squad is in the building where A point just was, and thus are surrounded by enemy's, your recon gets shot in the head with a sniper, you prone behind a desk, knowing you and your squad are going to die. However a glimmer of hope emerges, a friendly transport chopper is nearby on the minimap. You pull up your chat wheel and request a ride, the transport chopper pilot sees your request and sees that you guys are in the building so he goes and lands on the roof of the building, you throw a smoke covering your squads escape as you all run up the stairs, your support throws his c4 behind him to delay the enemies chasing you. You make to the rooftop and sprint across it, enemies come onto the roof as well. You get on the mini gun and cover the rest of your squad so they can get to the choppa. They all get on board and the pilot lifts of and delivers you guys to the next sector.

    Now obviously something that dramatic isn't going to happen all the time, but even just picking up one guy in a field with a chopper so he doesn't die and give the enemy extra lives because of the retreat phase, is so cool to me and it gets me excited for bf6

    submitted by /u/PurpleHawk222
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    [BFV] Fire the Panzerbüchse semi auto, kill tanks fast? Map RELOAD to a button you can hold like LB on Xbox or a Scuff on a controller. Drop a Demolition grenade and pick it up and hold the button in/don't let go. You can now fire semi auto. Hold LB with index finger and scope with middle finger.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Battlefield 1 In 2021 On PS5

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    THE REAL PROBLEM | BATTLEFIELD V - Community Then and Now

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Every time I want to play bf4 this happens

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    So, every fucking time I want to play battlefield 4 something goes wrong. First, since I live in area where there isnt good internet speed to download 60gb game in couple of hours, I must leave it to download over night.... So, I wake up in the morning and see that some fucking kind of error occured while downloading DLCs and my DLCs arent here, although it was downloading all the way down, but at the end, when it was finnished, error occured and my DLCs magically dissapeared.... Fine I guess I will try to download it later if I still havel will to play it.... So, then I boot my game in order to play some vanilla maps, however when I join the fucking server, my fucking ping isnt visible and because of that fucking bug I get kicked from every good server I join, dont get me wrong my ping is fine, since i play other games in same region with good ping... Nonetheless my point is how the fuck did DICE left development of this game and didnt fix this shit.... I really want to play bf4, but everytime I want to play something goes wrong.... And yeah, does anyone have any solution to these problems? I googled them, but nothing helped me....

    submitted by /u/kH4us
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    Epic Commander Kill With A Cruise Missile On Battlefield 4

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    The BF6 the series needs. PR stunts Vs player expectations

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    Hello fellow battlefielders,

    I'm one of the many players who counted BF4 as the last good entry in the series. Ofc you are free to have a different opinion on that and disagree with me. I'm not here to debate that or judge the worthyness of BF "X".

    Learning that we are indeed getting a new title in a modern setting is exciting news for me, since as I stated before, BF4 was the last game I played (after the overhaul when it was actually good).

    Now with all the experiences from the last years, regarding DICE, BF and EA, I'm hesitant looking forward towards BF6. Here are my reasons:

    • bigger, higher, faster

    Bigger maps, with more destruction and more action/players shouldn't be a main priority when the current engine and infrastructure already has severe problems to keep up with current BF demands.

    • weather effect's / levolution 2.0

    To call levolution gimmicky is still very polite considering in most cases it didn't add anything meaningful, but instead worsen the player experience. The only exception for me personally was the sandstorm on golf.

    • player customisations

    You have way more options than in BF5 without feeling out of touch with your designated time period. After the BF5 Debakel im still worry that it could get a bit too fortnity, especially if we have Devs at dice with children that wanna play as batman (I think you'll get the hint ..)

    All those things are typical PR phrases who could mean anything and nothing. "A battlefield experience like never before" I wonder where I heard that one before ..

    So here are my reasons to buy or not to buy BF6 at launch. Preordering is not an option, I hope everyone learned that by now.

    • better, finetuned and polished

    A rather stick with 64 players if it means the experience overall is better. A good netcode, weapon balance, class balance, and performance has to be a top priority.

    • destruction 2.0

    What I'm rly missing is fine grained destruction. Buildings and cover need to react more accurate to where what damage has been applied. Also a complete destruction would be highly appreciated (meaning a building that collapsed can be further destroyed until it's basically leveled). This however shouldn't be a top priority as other things are way more important for good player experience.

    • Player customisation / Loadout customisation

    Rather than giving over the top crazy skins for player models, give them lots and lots of weapons (that don't have to be unique all the time) and attachments.

    • care for your community

    Take responsibility DICE/EA! Protect players with working anti cheat measures from the getgo and make it a top priority as well. Give players rentable severprograms with the customisation level of BF3/4. Equip the game with the necessary base content to keep players engaged for a long time right from the get go. Hardcore e.g.(again take notes from bf3/4). Focus on things you know players like and leave them in game (looking at you BF5), don't waste time trying out new concepts in the main client. Provide a second test environment like BF4/1 had to try out new stuff and test upcoming patches.

    If DICE throws again, I don't see BF coming back ever. EA/DICE you can't afford to drop the ball like in BF5 again. Better cut out "bigger higher faster" stuff for a more streamlined/polish experience that can engage and keep new players and get the old ones back as well. I'm 35 now, I certainly witnessed the peak of BF and I'm thankful for the thousands of hours and dumped into BF. Would really appreciate another good title and won't be to upset if you fail again. I'll chill and watch how this unfolds and make an educated decision. Don't think we BF players are stupid. We won't fall for your PR lies, we won't accept disrespectful and untruthful use of the base material and we certainly are able to make political decision and have our own views without you or any other company trying to shove your believes down our throats. Focus on the game and to give us players the best possible experience instead of wasting money with PR stunts.

    Curious to see how it plays out :)

    submitted by /u/mewkew
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    8x Multikill on Fort Vaux! THAT's how it's supposed to be done! execpt I am german and should be french...

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Sliding into the weekend like...

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    The chaos everyone loves but sometimes hates at the same time... metro (in this case I was playing op. underground). I just dont have the same feeling as everyone it seems - thats because i hate metro all the times. Maybe someone feels the same way. Let me know :)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    when you play on wifi

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:18 PM PDT

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