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    Wednesday, August 5, 2020

    Battlefield 3 Graphically still holds up so well today

    Battlefield 3 Graphically still holds up so well today

    Graphically still holds up so well today

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Loading error

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    After I played operation guillotine it was stuck loading how do i fix it?

    submitted by /u/ohmygodguys420
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    Question: Are Pilot and Gunner upgrades shared? I'm making the best of my limited loadout on BattleLog and don't want to get shot down quickly on my gun runs on Operation Firestorm.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Question: Are Pilot and Gunner upgrades shared? I'm making the best of my limited loadout on BattleLog and don't want to get shot down quickly on my gun runs on Operation Firestorm.

    This is my loadout for any attack chopper I go into. Now, does my pilot AND Gunner upgrades go together or do they apply only in that seat?

    What I want to know, if that I was in the pilot seat, I would have access to the Stealth, IR flares and heat seekers, BUT no access to the Autoloader and Zoom optics.


    submitted by /u/Noobgamer0111
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    Problem with platoons on battlelog

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I'm a founder/leader in some still active BF3 platoons. I tried to edit some of the platoons tonight and I only get an error message and my access is denied. I've asked other friends to check in other platoons, but they seem to be working. I attach the error message i receive. I'd rly appreciate any kind of help/advice in advance.
    Cheers, Sophie

    submitted by /u/SophieButcher
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    A Rant on Air Vehicles because I think others experience this too

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    To start off, I'm not exactly a noob heli or jet pilot myself, but I'm not really a pro in them either. I can easily take down new players but can't against pro's. I wanna cover each of these two vehicles separately.

    1. Attack Heli

    The Attack choppers are by far one of the most overpowered vehicles in the game. Why? The extremely OP Gunner weapons, especially the TV missile. With little practice, these TV missiles can be so easy to use on ground vehicles, and deal super high levels of damage with very little chances to doge it. Oh and they regen fairly quickly too. And the automatic cannon of the gunner can kill a ground enemy with like 2 shots (probably well because it's a cannon). This combo often leads to the pilot just going super high and hovering in every game out of the lock on or AA gun range, and the gunner just uses the cannon and shoots TV missiles. In such cases, only an enemy jet can take them down.

    1. Jets

    Jets are equally as bad, and when they are in the hands of a pro pilot, it's even more worse. A pro jet can dominate the battlefield with a 100-0 k/d if he does everything right. Which is go super high, turn around and use rocket pods, then guns to finish off. If he gets locked on, just ecm and go into the sky, or stay below radar, and then do the whole process again. For dogfights it's simply just staying in the 300-315 speed range and looping around each other until one of them goes too slow or too fast. Even a pro AA has nothing against a pro Jet player.


    I'm tired of getting into every game just to be obliterated in one shot by a attack heli or a jet. I'm tired of always having a TV missile battle with the enemy instead of flying around and playing the objective in the heli. I'm tired of always getting into a dogfight with the 300-315 meta, I want something more than just simply looping around until someone misses the speed. I'm tired of seeing that new players don't have a chance to learn how to fly a jet or heli. Jets and Helis have to be balanced. They shouldn't be so overpowered. Most popular server admins simply don't care about this. But sadly DICE doesn't support this game anymore, so we can't really get that much required balance.

    submitted by /u/Stellasin22
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    Ma Premiere Vidéo Commentaire En Français Loadout: A-91 Tryhard !

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    BF3 Won't launch

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I've just recently bought bf3 on steam on a brand new PC and it was playing fine for a couple days but now I can't get it to launch at all.

    I've seen that this is apparently a pretty common problem but no one has any actual solution for it?

    I've done most things I can think of and have found that worked for other people. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, restarted my PC steam and origin, uninstalled origin, I've tried running the game as admin and in compatibility mode, I've even tried only launching the game from Battlelog but still nothing. From Battlelog all it will tell me after joining the server for several minutes it says that 'it didn't start properly' and to try things I've already done or it says it 'cant communicate with BF3'

    The next thing I'm gonna try is updating my Nvidia drivers but beyond that I'm really not sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/Scared-Rat
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    Need players for scavenger

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    3+ players needed for a scavenger game I really need to complete that scavenger gamemode assignmnet

    submitted by /u/MaNameIsMichae
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