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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Battlefield Thought this belongs here.

    Battlefield Thought this belongs here.

    Thought this belongs here.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    BF3 teased?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Thats one way to get killed by a dreadnought

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    After being disappointed by BF5

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    my stupid fan art for a BF reboot

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Which Battlefield game should I get, 1 or 4?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I'll be playing for the first time and Idk which one to start with.

    submitted by /u/BoswelliaSacra
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    [BFH] Hot take: I think hardline is Awsome! (especially bloodmoney)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Battlefield 1 flashbacks

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    [BFH] Is the game still played on PC ?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Ok so i'm interested in BF Hardline but don't know if it has a healthy playerbase right now, i'm in EU.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/F4ntmoon
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    Is it profitable to buy BF4? (I'm on ps4)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    bf4 oce

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Do a lot of people in OCE still play bf4 on pc, considering buying it but wanna check if people still play it.

    submitted by /u/ChefTurtleToaster
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    Hardcore Servers On Battlefield 1 Xbox One ?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    I really can't even find literally 1 server at all

    submitted by /u/Jay-Santana5538
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    Coming back. Do bf games have sbmm?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I wanted to come back into bf franchose as im sick of sbmm. So bf games have it?

    submitted by /u/moenix2
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    [BFV] Not sure if that was good or bad luck?!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    For Someone who has only played BF1, which other game should I get?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I've played BF1 for over a year now and since EA decided to allow their games on Steam, I have trouble deciding on my next game. I don't care about what point in history it's set in, I just want a fun large scale war game, but I also don't want a game that's going to be dead in like the next month.

    submitted by /u/HammersHawk
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    [BF 2021] Why it is very unlikely that BF 2021 will not go more than 64 players.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Ask yourself; how would infantry only/meatgrinder maps would play out on 80, 100, 128, or more players? 64 player infantry only maps we've seen since BF3 are very stuffy as they are especially Underground/Metro, Locker & Argonne in their retrospective games. If DICE were to aim for more than 100 some remakes say from BF3 that fans would demand in BF 2021 just would not work as well. Grand Bazaar? A single chokepoint + the outer 2 lane for flanking map design for conquest would not function, similiar for Siene Crossing. In fact last year DICE has already stated that they were not thinking about mroe than 64 players: https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/06/25/dice-talks-battlefield-v-crossplay-hardcore-mode-and-why-the-player-count-stays-at-64

    LG: What does it enable you to do? What can I do or experience that I couldn't before? 128 players in the underground doesn't necessarily sound like fun.

    Unless people stop clamoring for Metros, Lockers & even Bazaar style maps (quite small for 64 players) and for larger maps (even larger than Bandar Desert) we probably won't ever get over 64 players anytime soon if not as long as BF is developed for. I'd like higher playercount and the sandbox/playground/whatever opportunities could arise from what kind of maps could be made from it but if the BF Community keeps mentioning how they love BC2 & BF3 which both at launch were focused on Infantry focused combat then we won't get larger player counts.

    Maybe I'm wrong and like to be but I cannot see larger player counts in the next Battlefield. If Tom Henderson/Long Sensation said that BF 2021 "builds on Battlefield 3 it many ways" (source; https://twitter.com/_TomHenderson_/status/1272241878038130689) which if we remember BF3 Vs say BF2 or BF4 the former was much more infantry focused and that holds true then I cannot see more than 64 players. I want to be proven wrong but I can't see it.

    submitted by /u/Dangerman1337
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    New Battlefield will be shown at EA Play?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Odds that new BF will be showcased at EA Play?


    Last time I remember all those marketing things like changing social media images but nothing this time.

    submitted by /u/videogameocd-er
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    My experience with BFV after I bought it yesterday

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    It was.... AMAZING!

    Gunplay: Good

    Graphics: Awesome

    Atmosphere: Meh

    Sounds: Top Notch

    Ambience: Also Top Notch

    Movement: A bit too fast but nothing serious

    Skins/Cosmetics: A bit overdone but good enough

    Vehicles: Hell yeah!

    Maps: HOLY TARDCWACDAHVD Except for the bright snowy map

    Animations: Holy crap it's cool af!

    Weapon Skins: Meh

    Revive system: Okay...

    Historical Accuracy: I don't care about that!

    War Stories: Pretty good! The Nordly's Story is kind of boring though

    Women in this game: I'm fine with that. (pls dont take this in a wrong way politically)

    Music: Absolutely incredible!

    Destruction and Physics: Sweet sweet TASTE!

    This game is fantastic! Not like the other battlefields but I kinda like the pace they went with the game. There are some bugs but I don't really notice them. This is one of my favorite battlefields. Not the best but not the worst. Dunno why people hate this game but to me it's one of the most awesome games ever.

    submitted by /u/nepnepguy
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    I went to get a drink and came back for this to happen

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Should I buy BF1 (with all the dlc) for $20 on steam?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Back on Xbox I played bf1 and got annoyed at the suppression system and sniping felt a little bit weird to me at times. I only reached level 25ish and thought I should probably give it another chance. The DLC seems fantastic but I'm still not sure, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Fireant2000
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    No wonder why people hate BFV (RANT) somewhat

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT


    Im trying to get back into this game - its not cause i'm shit, average player stats - its the inconsistency and down right bullshit of this game.

    1. Dying around corners is so fucking annoying.
    2. Being shot through smoke from a sniper in a window across the map - how the fuck did he see me?
    3. The map designs are just rushed and poorly thought out.
    4. the servers - no longer DICE servers only created servers. What?
    5. The damage from gun fight to gun fight is up and down like a roller coaster
    6. The spawns are in open space and you die before even touching the ground
    7. Its like the actions you make in the game are 2 seconds behind what the server reads - input and output.
    8. How the game can't fetch a report after the ending screen is baffling.
    9. There is more...

    The thing that saddens me is I feel like DICE have been gradually losing their touch since BF3. BF4 was and is still amazing but remember the 6 months after launch, how things were just broken, server crashes, kicked from games, game crashes, dying for no reason, spawning under the ground, in the air, the list goes on...

    BFH was a different game, which still had the same premise as the BF name but instead of armies it was cops and robbers. It did OK I guess, it got some DLC but i didn't really see a lot of videos or content about it.

    BF1 was and still is an amazing game, with different features and mechanics, and the setting was a good choice, the maps, the history of the war or the stories told was...different. IT got quite a lot of buzz and DLC features so that brought some good attributes back to DICE but then BF5 happened...

    They made BF5 in 18 months, yep, they pushed back the release for a month cause it wasn't ready. STILL NOT READY! Released and boy did the hate come out of gamers and players.

    1. Hackers galore and not FF or PB or Anti-Cheat to speak of.
    2. Auto-balance was no where to be seen.
    3. 8 maps where you could basically glitch through and never die.
    4. Lack of guns and gadgets - I think BF1 had more guns and gadgets on its realise, and it is set in WW1.

    The DLC's were lackluster, they were fun for the first week but then that was it. They got boring cause you could only play Conquest or Breakthrough. Then the game modes were limited due to "the tech not being there" REALLY? You are using the same engine from BF4 and BF1, but somehow your latest BF game doesn't have the tech?

    Im pretty sure someone is going to go against me and defend BF5 til the end of time. But I really do hope DICE and EA look at all the bad comments, reviews, game play, and everything and talk to each other, and discuss what can we do.

    Look at COD Modern Warfare, its been out for 9 months and still going strong. The BR is dominating, the ground war, and multiplayer are fun and enjoyable. The story line was an amazing piece of art. The gun play is fun, the mechanics are smooth and its somewhat balanced. I know there are some hiccups with COD:MW but they took a gamble and it has payed off amazingly.

    I really do hope the next BF game is FUCKING GLORIOUS, I hope they realise it in 2021, but I'm OK with it being released later, even if its 2022. DICE needs to make sure their next game is not RUSHED, its balanced, its a smooth and easy interface and simple to learn mechanics. Bring back game modes that make BF great, Make maps that are balanced on both sides, guns that are balanced from all distances and angles and speeds and so on.

    There is so much competitions now in the FPS genre, Dice need to do something to stand out from he crowd...


    submitted by /u/SlowFatWombat
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    Beautiful, ain't it? someone should take a picture.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

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