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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Battlefield EA Play 2020 Discussion Megathread

    Battlefield EA Play 2020 Discussion Megathread

    EA Play 2020 Discussion Megathread

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    [BF4] Coincidence?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    New battlefield doesn’t look like ww2. Also the destruction looks good so far.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    [BFV] I present to you, the BATTLEFIELD CHART!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Battlefield 1 is on sale for 2.99$ on the US playstation store

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Any chance of more than 64 players? 64v64 perhaps?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    [BF2] Its still alive in 2020

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I feel really bad tho

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    [BF3] Any close (too much hope?)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Battlefield 6 teaser in Development Clip? EA play, Destructions looks like from Battlefield. Also The building looks modern.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    I found an interesting small detail a few months ago, so apparently the small visor thing (notice the left side visor) would open when someone is inside and would close when they get out

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Every since my 360 broke, I’ve been dying to play bf3. So I built my first pc to do exactly that. Included with a custom Grand Bazaar mouse pad!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    The facial construction shown at live looks familiar.. *battlefield music intensifies*

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    the bad thing is that it is a tech demostration, nothing related to the next BF

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    X Post: This one failed feature of BFV will be the most important indicator of whether or not Battlefield 6 is on the path to redemption

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    [Trusted Insider] Battlefield 6 to be in modern setting, Battlefield: Bad Company remaster cancelled.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Just Battlefield 4 things

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Very Detailed BF6 Vehicle Ideas - Full Gameplay Customization Slots For Every Vehicle In The Game

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    With a theoretically modern BF on the horizon, I want to see them double down on vehicle customization. Which isn't to say that I necessarily want a bajillion guns to be usable at the same time by every vehicle, but I'd certainly like to see more mechanically distinct options.

    That in mind, I took what BF4 got us to, and kinda..went wild with it. Everything not elaborated in the post was in BF4, and I'd love to see what Dice can do besides these ideas. I'm sure the balance is screwy, but hey, that's part of the fun, right?

    (Oh, and descriptors of metrics are as follows: Mag Size/Reserve Size; Firing Rate/Reload time/Regen time; Single round reload to mag reload. Thus [1/5; 20/3/2.5; Single] refers, essentially, to the MBTs main AP weapon, with 1 round in the chamber, 5 in reserve, 20 rounds per minute, 3 seconds to reload, 2.5 seconds to regen, and regeneration for a single round at a time)

    From the top...

    Main Battle Tank

    Driver Primary:

    • AP
    • Sabot
    • HE
    • HESH- High arc, but deals extreme damage to buildings, AP damage to vehicles, and explosively causes an canister shot-like blast behind struck target into whatever void is on the immediate other side. I know these aren't really used anymore, but who's counting.
      • 1/3; 20/3/2.5; Single
    • AMP- Combination round. Only deals as much damage as an HE round to tanks, but explosive radius like AP. However:
      • Shoots what's basically a weak canister round around main shot
      • Hold and release firing button to time exactly when shot will explode, or when it first hits something/if not held
      • 1/2; 20/3/2.25; Single.

    Driver Primary:

    • Canister
    • Guided Shell
    • LMG
    • HMG
    • Staff Shell

    Driver Optics:

    • Zoom
    • Night
    • Thermal - Thermal, in this envisioning, is much blurrier, but works at longer ranges and reveals movement tracks made in the last 2 seconds from up close, or last 3 seconds for vehicles

    Driver Upgrades:

    • Maintenance
    • Thermal Camo
    • Autoloader

    Driver Countermeasures

    • IR Smoke
    • Smokescreen
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • ERA Armor - The back, sides, and top each have an armor strip that, when shot at with a rocket, automatically fires a very short range shotgun-like blast to destroy it (very possibly killing close range infantry). Each of the 4 sides side only has one "round" before it must be repaired to "reload" it, but it activates automatically. Front and especially the back have a smaller coverage area.

    Gunner Primary

    • LMG
    • HMG

    Gunner Upgrade

    • Belt Loader
    • Incendiary
    • Proximity Scan

    Gunner Optics

    • Threat ID:V - For enemy vehicles within 300M, highlights them in little red squares and shows range. These squares persist for 0.5 seconds after vehicles move beyond cover.
    • Zoom
    • SOFLAM Scope: Support - 300M range

    Infantry Fighting Vehicle

    Driver Primary

    • 25mm
    • Canister
    • APFSDS-T
    • Tank Destroyer - Same gun as a AP shot from a tank, but smaller mag profile and considerably higher kick.
      • 1/2; 20/3/2.5; Single
    • MCV- Makes IFV stationary to deploy, which takes 3.5 seconds and 2 to become mobile again. Map and range like normal mortar. Firing stays on enemies map for 7 seconds.
      • Deals 75 damage in radius 1.2x as wide as normal mortar
      • 2/6; 30/3/5.125; Single

    Driver Secondary

    • TOW
    • LMG
    • Zuni

    Driver Optics

    • Zoom
    • Night
    • Thermal - Again, thermal is different here. See MBT section.

    Driver Upgrades

    • Maintenance
    • Thermal Camo
    • Autoloader
    • Reactive Armor

    Driver Countermeasure

    • IR Smoke
    • Smoke
    • Active Protection
    • Fire Extinguisher

    Gunner Primary

    • LMG

    Gunner Upgrade

    • Belt Loader
    • Incendiary
    • Prox Scan

    Gunner Optics

    • Threat ID:I - For enemy infantry within 200M, highlights them in little red squares and shows range. These squares persist for 0.25 seconds after infantry move beyond cover.
    • Zoom
    • SOFLAM Scope: Scouting - 500M range


    Driver Upgrades

    • Baseplate - Squad members of passengers can now spawn directly behind vehicle even if vehicle is full, and adds 2 unprotected handles on the back of the vehicle, which can't be used in the water.
    • Turbines - 50% faster in water
    • Overcrank - 25% faster in water and on land; getting spotted lasts for 0.5 seconds longer
    • Prox Scan

    Driver Countermeasure

    • IR Smoke
    • FRAG Kit - The back, sides, and top each have an armor strip that, when shot at with a rocket, automatically fires a very close range shotgun-like blast to destroy it (very possibly killing close range infantry). Each side only has one "round" before it must be repaired to "reload" it, but it activates automatically. Top and front have a smaller coverage area. Snipers only small arms capable of killing driver.
    • Smoke Flares - Launches 2 combined smoke/flares in quick succession a few meters away in the opposite direction of travel, or wherever aiming at if still.
      • Smoke forms a ring in the area at apex of arc; this ring expands to obfuscate vision of the vehicle and eventually the broader area, lasting for 5 seconds.
      • The flares in the middle continue on the arc, falling to the ground, where they draw incoming heat-seeking fire, can each take a single hit, and remain on the ground for the next 10 seconds, otherwise acting as normal flares.
      • 20 seconds to recharge.

    Gunner Primary

    • HMG
    • M10-10 Flamethrower - A large, vehicle mounted flamethrower, capable of "flowing" past cover but has quite an arc, hitting the ground about 70 meters away if fired straight.
      • Does no damage at all to vehicles.
      • Deals damage on stream to infantry as if an incendiary grenade
      • X/X; 60/10/10; Tank. Basically, can fire continuously for 10 seconds, but then takes 10 seconds for tank to refill.
    • MCLC - Launches a wired rocket wherever gunner is aiming; after 10 meters away from the vehicle, rocket starts to lay out an explosive line charge on the ground for the next 50 meters.
      • Once rocket has flown the entire distance (or even before), release to have the primer go off - line charge detonates about a second later.
      • Strikes an area 0.3x as wide as the amtrac on either side of the line, dealing as much damage as an RGO and completely destroying all deployed equipment, mines, mounted weapons, or battle pickups in the line.
      • 1/0; 3/4/16; Single

    Gunner Secondary

    • Vehicle Mounted Javelin - Much like the engineering one.
      • 1/1; 30/2/3; Single
    • Ranging Mortar - Hold fire button to prime mortar as a range counter rapidly clicks up, release to fire mortar down at that range. No map mode.
      • Comes with smoke grenades as tertiary component
      • Mortar deals 75 damage in as wide a radius as normal mortar
      • 1/4;60/1.5/2.25;Single
    • 40mm Grenades

    Gunner Optics

    • Zoom


    Driver Primary

    • M270 (normal)
    • FASCAM - A round which hits with as much power as a grenade with 1.25x as much of a radius, but has a delay of 2.25 seconds after hitting the ground and very visible smoke trail from impact.
      • 5/10; 48/3/5.25; Magazine
    • MRSI - A round which hits like a mortar shell, but has zero reticle spread and 0.8x the normal range and 1.5x the normal delivery time (of first fired round).
      • All 3 rounds hit at the same time if fired within 0.75 seconds on each other, which is the max firing speed
      • 3/9; 80/2.5/3.75; Magazine
    • Zuni

    Driver Secondary

    • EFP - Shell goes up, and breaks into 3 satellites on the way down.
      • Screen splits into quadrants, and 3 of them show rapidly spinning views of the satellites as they fall to earth.
      • Mouse controls aiming laser of all EFPs simultaneously; have it scan a vehicle 2 times to lock position and fire, doing as much damage as a LAW round.
      • Last quadrant shows normal map
      • 1/2; 60/3/3; Single
    • GLMRS- Round which gains a camera view of the missile on the screen. 0.8x as much range as normal.
      • Click again when round is in the air to trigger it to explode in a shotgun-esque blast of minirockets to rain down on an area.
      • These minirockets are effectively 9 23 Gauge Frag rounds fired simultaneously, straight down
      • Minirockets have 30 degree spread from vertical
      • Otherwise impacts like a normal mortar round.
      • 1/2; 60/3/3; Single
    • FMAV - Round which, as it falls down, deploys a ribbon/ring parachute to slow its descent somewhat - doesn't explode or deal damage in any way, but functions as a falling MAV which can spot enemies as it falls.
      • 1/1; 24/2.5/2.5; Single

    Driver Upgrades

    • Archer - All weapons now have half as much ammo for their reserve, but 50% more regen speed and 30% additional range
    • Loader Gearing - Mags regen 30% faster
    • Treads - Zero turning radius, climbs steeper hills, 50% faster acceleration, able to move as soon as leaving aim mode
    • Stabilizers - Rounds experience 66% as much reticle spread and travel 30% faster
    • Baffles - Spends half as much time on minimap from firing report or being spotted.
    • AMG
      • No primary or secondary allowed
      • Getting into "gunner" seat deploys antenna masts after 2 seconds ; takes 2 seconds in driver seat to move again
      • On this map, they control a 72 degree slice of the pie with their aiming; this can be moved freely around in a circle
      • Every 2 seconds, this slice releases a radar pulse, spots either enemy air or ground vehicles for 1.5 seconds. This positional information is given to all teammates.
      • Range of slice is 50-550M
      • The farther away from vehicle, the longer pulse takes to reveal them, at a speed of 125M every 0.25 seconds. So a vehicle 50M away is revealed 2 seconds after last pulse; a vehicle 175M is revealed 2.25 seconds after last pulse; 300 2.5; 425 2.75; 550 3.00
      • Radar slice can rotate at 90 degrees per 0.33 seconds; thus, it takes 1.33 seconds to make a full revolution
      • Player gets kill assists per vehicle kills if they're marked while destroyed

    Driver Countermeasures

    • Smoke
    • Active Protection
    • Automated Incendiary Launchers - 2, one for each side. Alarm sounds as infantry approaches; tap button to trigger an incendiary explosion for whichever side has the closer infantry.
      • 2/0;60/3.5/3.5;Magazine. Can only load 2 at a time, not one; loading is automatic.


    Driver Upgrades

    • Chimney - Able to carry 2 less passengers but mines do 40% as much damage - serves as mobile deployment for squad even if full. Full deployment spawns squaddies behind the vehicle.
    • Boomerang)- Top mounted system (thus visible to enemies) which auto-spots any enemies firing weapons in a larger radius (1.3x) than the proxy scan if there are no walls with ceilings between them and the vehicle, even if weapons are silenced.
      • Any snipers shooting within 15 degrees of the boomerang system itself are pointed at with a highly visible red laser, no matter how far away they are - although the laser dissipates after 75M.
      • Only works if moving slowly (walking speed) or stationary and occupied.
    • Baseplate - Serves as a mobile deployment point for squad members even if full, has 2 more "seats"(really just unprotected handles) on the back of the vehicle where 2 more people can hold on for a ride, and has a permanent medkit/ammo pack on the back as well. Back door can't be destroyed.
    • Autoloader

    Driver Countermeasure

    • Automated Incendiary Launchers - See HIMARS section
    • IR Smoke
    • FRAG Kit - See AMTRAC section

    Gunner Primary

    Gunner Upgrade

    • Zoom
    • Smoke Grenades - Like infantry equipment. Use "ads" functionality to launch.
      • 2/0; 60/2/7; Single
    • Scanning Scope - Treated as a secondary weapon for the gunner. Scope capable of cycling between normal, thermal, and night vision by "firing"; can also right click to zoom, which engages a proximity scan pulse within that cone.
      • Can switch back to primary weapon to maintain vision mode, but can only cycle by engaging secondary weapon, this scope, and "firing" it.
      • This "vision toggle" for other weapons cannot zoom


    Driver Upgrades

    • Plating - Adds armor plating on the side, but makes vehicle 15% slower
    • Overcrank - Vehicle moves 20% faster, but is much more prone to catching on fire from hitting something; getting spotted lasts 0.5 seconds longer
    • Normal

    Gunner Primary

    • 40mm grenades
    • HMG
    • 20mm AA - Deals as much damage as 20mm attack plane round, but at 30mm speed. Can only get within 30 degrees of horizontal
      • 50/200; 800/2/2.5/Magazine

    Operational Stance

    • Deployment - Allows a passenger, like now
    • Engineering - Interact with seat from outside to get an AT mine; can only carry 2, ever, and player can only carry 1 at a time. Replaces grenades before use. Vehicle must be destroyed to refill mine capacity. No passengers.
    • TacCom - Has a permanent medkit/ammo pack in the seat. No passenger.
    • SigInt - Has a T-UGS in the seat and 3 motion sensor balls which act the same as the above mines. No passenger.
    • Prime Mover - No gunner slot; back is replaced with a tow mechanism for heavy mortar.
      • Use mortar from on foot, not from in vehicle at all
      • Normal mortar range
      • Mortar is *not* remote
      • Deals 75 damage in 1.2x radius of normal mortar
      • 1/3; 25/2.5/4; Single


    Driver Upgrades

    • Cabin - Gives driver some protection; gives passenger a forward facing bipod to interact with
      • Snowmobile only.
    • Electric Drive - Spotting lasts for half as long, but increased risk of fire if hitting an obstacle at speed
    • Normal

    Operational Stance

    • Deployment - See Jeep section
    • Eng-Light - Interact with seat from outside to get an AT mine; can only carry 1, ever, and player can only carry 1 at a time. Replaces grenades before use. Vehicle must be destroyed to refill mine capacity. No passenger.
    • TacCom-Light - Has a permanent medkit/ammo pack in the seat, but can only resupply 1 person at a time. No passenger.
    • SigInt-Light - Has 2 motion sensor balls which act the same as the above mines. No passenger.
    • Overwatch- No passengers, but driver can switch seat to use a grenade launcher.
      • Otherwise standard 40mm launcher
      • Quad only

    Anti Air

    Driver Primary

    • 20MM
    • 25MM
    • 30MM
    • Mistral)- Lock on and hold rocket, relock to bypass flares, but a very narrow 45 degree field of view.
      • Can't be fired or engaged in third person, and requires aircraft to be at least 150 meters up
      • If it explodes on a flare or countermeasure, deals damage in a 15 meter radius
      • Missile itself is 0.75x as fast as other missiles and can be outmaneuvered
      • Unique alarm in targeted planes
      • Locks out to 400M
      • One hit kill on everything which isn't attack plane, to which it critcals and deals 95 damage.
      • 1/2;30/2/4;Single

    Driver Secondary

    • Heatseeker
    • Active Radar
    • Passive Radar
    • Airburst - Can't point below 30 degrees above the horizontal. Fires a heavily arcing shot; need to hold or else it auto-explodes at 100 meters. Releasing hold allows manual detonation in massive radius.
      • Deals 95 damage to all air vehicles and always criticals
      • Otherwise deals Javelin damage to other targets
      • Very slow projectile, about 0.5x normal speed of rockets
      • 30m radius for explosion
      • Icon on center screen showing how many air vehicles are in blast radius
      • Cannot explode closer than 100m to vehicle
      • Cannot use while moving
      • 1/1;30/2/5;Single

    Driver Optics

    • Zoom
    • Night
    • Threat ID:A - For enemy air vehicles within 400M, highlights them in little red squares and shows range. These squares persist for 0.5 seconds after vehicles move beyond cover.

    Driver Upgrades

    • Maintenance
    • Reactive Armor
    • Air Radar
    • Autoloader
    • Thermal Camo
    • Prox Scan

    Driver Countermeasure

    • IR Smoke
    • Smoke
    • Active Protection
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Mantis - Takes 6 seconds to deploy or undeploy, during which driver cannot move. Can stop infinite amounts of guided munitions while deployed, although only 1 per second. Disables having a secondary weapon.


    Driver Primary

    • JDAM
    • Hellfire - Anti Vehicle missiles which can lock on but don't need to be held. Damage is identical to stinger
      • 4/4;40/1.5/NA;NA

    Driver Secondary

    • Cruise Missile
    • Submunitions - Drop many, many bomblets over an area.
      • Each "shot" is in fact 5 bomblets dropping
      • These 5 are dispersed as wide across as the bomber is, and fall directly underneath
      • Bomblet acts identical to a V40 Mini except with a different fuse, exploding 0.66 seconds after first bounce
      • Scope shows 5 dots where bombs will falls; these dots do not take into consideration arc from shooting off to the side of the aircraft
      • Can hold for "automatic" carpet bombing, releasing one every 0.75 seconds
      • 12/0;80/0/0;NA

    Driver Upgrades

    • Pilot Training - Allows player to select vector (entrance and exit locations) for plane to travel across as well as some control over its speed.
    • Autoloader
    • Bombing Scope - Allows player to look behind them and zoom now cycles through multiple levels (1x, 1.5x, 2x, 5x) for much better fine tuning. Zooming past 1.5x also activates thermal.
    • Stealth Coating - No longer announced when it enters battlefield, takes 1.5x as much time to lock onto, and has slightly better armor.

    Attack Boat

    Driver Primary

    • 25mm
    • 25mm Burst
    • 30mm
    • Zuni
    • Anti-Ship - Releases a torpedo which tracks threats and can turn up to 10 degrees to hit them; does enough damage to be an instant kill on anything under a FAC (to which is does 80 damage) but only attacks boats.
      • Can also attack a carrier to add a 4 second respawn penalty from said carrier which lasts 30 seconds and can be stacked up to 4 times.
      • 1/3;30/2.35/7;Single

    Driver Secondary

    • TOW
    • Passive Radar
    • Laser Guided
    • TV Guided
    • Hedgehog)- 3 magnetic mortar-like charges in a burst which, if they hit the water, ducks below the surface, pops back up, spread out in something like a triangle shape, and gets magnetically attached to any vehicles within 10m before exploding enough to do 18 damage each to a FAC.
      • Can aim the traverse/azimuth like a normal weapon, but the angle of firing is determined by selecting from increments of it the gunner wants it to land 20m, 40m, 60m, 80m, or 100m away.
      • Hold down firing button to bring up increments listing on the weapon angle device. Tap up or down to set distance, and release to fire.
      • Zero the weapon to set a standard distance which it starts at next time.
      • "ADS" with weapon to bring up a ranging laser which, if painting a target for 2 seconds, automatically updates the readout to display targets distance for next 15 seconds.
      • Has a 270 degree traverse; unable to hit behind the boat.
      • Explodes instantly on hitting land.
      • 3/6;40/1.5/5.5;Magazine
      • Yes this is complicated

    Driver Optics

    • Zoom
    • Night Vision
    • Threat ID: V - See MBT section

    Driver Upgrades

    • Maintenance
    • Prox Scan
    • Air Radar
    • Belt Feeder
    • Sea Mines - Replaces the jetskis with sea mines; activated in the same way by driver. Each mine does as much damage as C4, is magnetically attracted to any sea vehicle within 15 meters, and lasts for 2 minutes. Can only have 2 out in total; first in first out.
      • Has a helpful blinking light just waiting to be shot down by
      • 1/1/; 30/2;4;Single

    Driver Countermeasure

    • IR Smoke
    • Smokescreen
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • CRAM-RIM - Engages the RIM system, which allows operator to shoot down any incoming threats
      • Much like Threat ID optics, highlights incoming munitions within 150M in little red squares
      • Driver and any passengers see these threats highlighted on the screens; if anyone uses their grenade button with it highlighted, the system shoots down the threat
      • Prevents use of secondary weapon when activated
      • 2/4; 180/0.5/10;Magazine

    Gunner Primary

    • M143 Miniguns
    • 40mm Grenade

    Transport Helicopter

    Driver Primary

    • Flares
    • ECM Jammer
    • Wired Flares - Cooldown is half as long as normal flares, but side gunners are required to maintain a lock-on for incoming threats to use

    Driver Upgrades

    • SOFLAM - SOLFAM scope on their display; can press the "zoom" button to switch to infrared.
    • Multiplayer Radar - Air Radar if in the pilots seat; proxy scan if a gunner.
    • Tail Gunner - Adds a single extra seat which faces the rear and has a minigun.
    • ParaQuad - The two normal seats are replaced with a parachute dropped Quad.
      • Anyone can switch to his and"fire" while in the seats to drop it and "fire" again to launch the parachute.
      • Regens in 30 seconds if destroyed.
      • Quad loadout is based on whoever gets in it first
    • Gimbal Harness - Gunners experience 1/4th as much horizontal tilt as the helicopter is actually doing.

    Driver Countermeasure

    • COTE Radar - Flying low enough (sub 20 meters) for 5 seconds initiates a jamming system, rendering *air-to-air* missiles incapable of locking on for next 7 seconds.
    • Gyroscopic Stabilizer - Vehicle will *never* tilt past control if hit (although an airburst hit still disables the rotor) and even if it loses all power will spin down to earth due to larger rotor engines.
    • Gunner Shielding - Side gunners now have ballistics shields attached to their guns, akin to the HMG emplacements except slightly smaller.
      • Side gunners now have ballistics shields attached to their guns, akin to the HMG emplacements except slightly smaller.
      • Removes 15 degrees of turning in each direction.

    Gunner Primary

    • M143 Minigun
    • 40mm Grenade
    • HMG


    Operational Stance

    • Assault - As it is now, with the minigun and all. Decided by gunner if there is one or pilot if not.
    • Subskimmer - Allows the RHIB to dive underwater if the driver "fires".
      • Can only stay underwater for 7 seconds, as denoted by a slowly regenerating(if not underwater) battery gauge on the HUD, and slightly slowed down as it's now running on battery power.
      • Clears spot once it gets underwater, and passengers have scuba gear such that they don't need to worry about air supply while in the vehicle.
      • Decided by driver; overrules gunner's choice.
    • Forward Deployment - Has an armored prow with raised shielding, integrated HMG, and an "always-on-enemy's-minimap" spawn beacon in the protected area.
      • Decided by driver; overrules gunner's choice.
    • Sapper - Can drive up to enemy's spawn carrier and delay respawns.
      • Gunner now has magnetic limpet charges which, if placed on carrier within an extremely close distance, delays the respawn timer of enemy vehicles for a period of time.
      • Closer to respawn point on the carrier itself=longer delay, and only vehicle capable of going to enemy's spawn (but can't capture their vehicles since that'd be out of bounds as soon as they tried).
      • Decided by gunner (which is to say, only works if the driver doesn't have subskimmer, FD, or insertion loadout).
      • Respawn mechanics work like anti-ship missile from an attack boat
      • 1/3;30/2/7;Single
    • Insertion - Runs quieter, leading to spot times only lasting 50% as long.
      • No gun, but webbing hooks allow 6 passengers instead of just 4.
      • Once the passengers exit the vehicle, they are automatically in the "dive" state under the water (if possible), with a 1.25x boost in speed, which lasts until they surface


    Operational Stance

    • Flexible - As it is now. No sight blocking armor, no weapons besides whatever the passenger has.
      • Determined by driver.
    • Up Armored - Protective tall steel plating serves as shielding on the sides, towards the back and angling up to get closer to the main fan.
      • Moves 10% slower and blocks sightlines of passengers out towards the side.
      • Determined by driver.
    • Hedgehog - See Hedgehog from attack boat section
      • Determined by passenger, but the up-armored siding makes it only effective to aim at frontal targets if that's chosen as well.


    First Gunner Weapons

    • 105mm
    • Reaper - Wire guided missile; deals as much damage as a top attack Javelin.
      • 1/2;30/2/5;Single

    Second Gunner Weapons

    • 40mm
    • Ranging Scope - Using a scope like the attack heli's gunners sighting rectangle, match up with primary gunners reticle (aka you see where they're aiming and must aim at the same place) to help "sight" their weapon and better determine where the round will hit.
      • Closer to their aim=they see a smaller circle of where the round will land once fired.

    Third Gunner Weapons

    • 25mm
    • 20mm - AA guns looking out slightly behind wings; switch "weapons" to swap sides.

    Gunner Upgrades - These apply to any seat

    • Ball Gunner - Wider turning/turret radius; more powerful guns get less of an increase, and 25mm still can't face straight out to the side.
    • Belt Loader
    • Impact Munitions - 50% faster travel from the gunship, but 25% load time increase
    • Air Radar
    • SEAD- Casts an area of "map scrambling" out from the aircraft:
      • For primary gunner; semi-circle 100 meters out in front now no longer shows allied signatures on any enemy minimaps
      • For secondary gunner; semi-circle 100 meters out behind now no longer shows allied signatures on any enemy minimaps
      • For tertiary gunner; gives false positives of allied planes to enemy minimaps within 300m of aircraft
      • No matter who has it, gives AC-130 a thin but definite bulge on it's underbelly/sides

    Operational Stance

    • MRAP - Opt to have a single MRAP (or faction equivalent) in the plane, able to get into and start drop sequence with the same button used to get into the jetski from a boat.
      • Has 3 seats, but only one per plane, with a warning once the drop mechanism has been started; drops 3 seconds later.
      • Deploys parachute automatically once close enough.
      • If anyone has this, the option to enter is available, but only those who have this option can drive/launch.
    • Wing Suit - Personal wing suit, able to direct in air movement much more accurately/laterally than just falling straight down.
      • Deploy parachute manually once closer to ground.
    • Drop Pod - Can get into via jetski button, but only one person at a time (charges as soon as someone enters). Fires in the opposite direction plane is moving, within 60 degree aim arc.

    Scout Helicopter

    Driver Primary

    • M143 Minigun
    • 25MM

    Driver Secondary

    • Heatseekers
    • Laser Guided

    Driver Optics

    • MMS - Highlights all aircraft within 250M to allies' minimaps.
    • CASUP - Right click to zoom in 1.5x on location; building penetrative prox scan in cone while zoomed in autospots enemy infantry and ground/sea vehicles.
    • Vision Package - Switch between real-color thermal (less blurry, real-ish colors), and Threat ID:I in center windshield panel.

    Driver Upgrades

    • Gyro Stabilizer
    • Stealth Coating
    • Prox Scan
    • Medical Evac - Passengers heal at 2x the normal rate; anyone under 50 health can enter helicopter from three times as far away granted there's nothing in the way.
    • Air Radar

    Driver Countermeasures

    • IR Flares
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Wired Flares - Half as long a recharge as normal flares, but requires a lock on the incoming missile for pilot to be able to use them.


    • Normal Rotor
    • Defiant Dual Package - Can move up or down 40% faster, can lock vertically in place by pressing grenade button, but is 25% slower moving horizontally.
    • Valor Tilt Package - Can move side to side 40% faster, can lock in horizontally in place by pressing grenade button, but is 25% slower moving vertically.
    • Avatar Shrouded Package - Can rotate 25% faster, experiences 25% less swing, and sustains far less damage from contacting buildings, but is 20% slower overall.

    Attack Helicopter

    Driver Primary

    • Hydra
    • Zuni
    • Smart Rockets
    • Starstreak- Acts like Smart Rockets, but attacks air vehicles. 50 meters before impact, splits into 3 submunitions in a triangular spread. These submunitions each deal as much damage as a rocket pod rocket but have a smaller explosive radius.
      • 5/10;60/2/2.5;Magazine

    Driver Secondary

    • Heatseekers
    • TOW
    • Brimstone)- Hold down to have targeting laser highlight 3 locations, each automatically locking in after 0.66 seconds. After full 2 seconds have elapsed, release button to launch 3 missiles at locked locations.
      • Each does as much damage as a LAW shell.
      • 3/6; 40/2/4;Magazine

    Driver Optics

    • Top Owl - Struts and seat inside cockpit are now very nearly transparent.
    • Threat ID:A - See Anti Air section
    • Threat ID:V - See MBT section

    Driver Upgrade

    • Gyro Stabilizer
    • Air Radar
    • Stealth Coating
    • FCR - Lockons can now happen from 20% farther away and happen 20% faster; removed 1 from reserve ammo count.
    • COTE Radar - Flying low enough (sub 20 meters) for 5 seconds initiates a jamming system, rendering *air-to-air* missiles incapable of locking on for next 7 seconds.

    Driver Countermeasure

    • IR Flares
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Wired Flares - Half as long a recharge as normal flares, but requires a lock on the incoming missile for pilot to be able to use them.

    Gunner Primary

    • 20mm Cannon
    • M143 Minigun - Like any other minigun, but has a magazine profile of 150/300;2000/2.5/3.5;Magazine.
    • DEW - Railgun. Takes 2 seconds to charge, but penetrates targets. Deals about half as much damage as a TV Missile.
      • Targets being aimed at have a "damage direction indicator" icon on their HUD and a quiet-ish high pitched whine
      • No travel time
      • Charge can be held for up to 5 seconds; for every second a charge is held, next shot takes an additional 0.1 seconds to charge up
      • No magazine mechanics; 30 shots per minute

    Gunner Secondary

    • Laser Guided
    • TV Missile

    Gunner Optics

    • Threat ID:I
    • Thermal
    • Zoom
    • SUAV - releases a SUAV on pressing the "zoom" button.

    Attack Plane

    Driver Primary

    • 30mm Cannon
    • Hydra Rockets
    • Submunitions - Same as bomber, but a different magazine profile and drops in groups of 4, not 5.
      • 5/15;80/3/3.5;Magazine. Recall that each single shot actually drops 4 submunitions, so a full mag drops (4*5)=20 of them.

    Driver Secondary

    • Laser Guided
    • Heatseekers
    • TV Missile
    • JDAM

    Driver Targeting Systems

    • Laser Designator - Operates just like the recon one; ADS to activate.
    • LiteningTP - All explosive munitions now track an additional 2.25 degrees of turning within 100m.
    • Sniper ATP - All lock on munitions work from 15% further away; TV missile gains 20% additional range
    • ROVER - Autospots all vehicles aimed at for longer than 0.25 seconds.

    Driver Upgrades

    • Gyro Stabilizer
    • Belt Feeder
    • Prox Scan
    • Stealth Coating
    • LASTE- While using non-standard viewing/aiming modes, the aircraft will automatically keep itself a minimum of 50M above the ground if it appears to be getting too close. Can still hit buildings or other man-made obstructions.

    Driver Countermeasures

    • IR Flares
    • ECM Jammer
    • Fire Extinguisher

    Stealth Plane

    Driver Primary

    • 20mm
    • 25mm
    • Hydra Rockets
    • DEW- Railgun. Takes 2 seconds to charge, but penetrates targets. Deals about half as much damage as a TV Missile.
      • Targets being aimed at while charging have a "damage direction indicator" icon on their HUD and a quiet-ish high pitched whine
      • Charge can be held for up to 5 seconds; for every second a charge is held, next shot takes an additional 0.1 seconds to charge up
      • No travel time
      • No magazine mechanics; 30 shots per minute

    Driver Secondary

    • HARM- Launches rocket which very quickly closes in about 15 meters above the ground, then moves forward. Tracks and damages like a STAFF shell against \any** ground enemy attempting a lockon.
      • Scrambles minimap of enemies within 75M of missile as it travels.
      • 1/4;28.6/2.1/3.5;Single
    • Heatseekers
    • Passive Radar
    • Laser Guided
    • Active Radar
    • Sensor Fused - Drops a bomb which splits open to utilize EFP submunitions and uses same interface as the HIMARS weapon.
      • Flight control disabled during use; targeting screen pulled up but does not entirely replace HUD.
      • 1/3; NA/2/4;Single

    Driver Targeting

    • HMDS- Free look can now be used as a means to target secondary weapons; lockons done this way take 20% longer.
    • AESA- Radar about 60% as far a coverage area as an air radar, but every 6 seconds it releases a pulse which highlights ground/sea vehicles as well. Also notes buildings at the height the plane is at as red blocks on the radar.
    • Air Radar
    • Prox Scan

    Driver Upgrades

    • Gyro Stabilizer
    • Stealth Coating
    • Radar Absorptive Weapon Bays - Not firing any weapons for 2.5 seconds clears all spots and renders vehicle incapable of being spotted.
    • Belt Feeder
    • Thrust Vectoring - Boosting while adjusting pitch now makes arc twice as tight; however, screen darkens while doing this and doing it for more than 2 seconds every 3.25 seconds causes pilot to black out (screen goes black) for 2 seconds.

    Driver Countermeasures

    • IR Flares
    • ECM Jammer
    • Fire Extinguisher

    How about you? What new customization or even vehicles would you want to see?

    submitted by /u/Jakisthe
    [link] [comments]

    Is Battlefield V The Worst Battlefield?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    This may age like milk, but I don't think there's a Battlefield reveal today.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    BF3 was revealed 1 year prior to launch using a teaser with nothing resembling gameplay. (reveal 2010, launch 2011)

    BF4 was revealed 1 year prior to launch using a teaser with nothing resembling gameplay. (reveal 2012, launch 2013)

    BFH was not revealed 1 year prior to launch. It was revealed the same year. (2015)

    BF1 was not revealed 1 year prior to launch. It was revealed the same year. (2016)

    BFV was not revealed 1 year prior to launch. It was revealed the same year. (2018)

    BF6 will most likely be revealed next year.

    submitted by /u/Braedoktor
    [link] [comments]

    Siege of ps5

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I missed the headshot. I am a terrible player.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    No kaiserschlacht lobbies?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Title. Only found 1 kaiserschlacht lobby in the entire week playing this game. Bummer since it's my favorite operation.

    submitted by /u/Henze661
    [link] [comments]

    [Other] BF6?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Are BF3 and BF4 still active on PC?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    I was thinking about picking up Battlefield 3 and 4 now that they're on Steam but I was wondering if anyone knows how active the online is on PC? Do people still play these games online?

    submitted by /u/rbyrnes15
    [link] [comments]

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