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    Thursday, March 10, 2022

    Battlefield 3 The one-shot mod people on PS3 bum me out.

    Battlefield 3 The one-shot mod people on PS3 bum me out.

    The one-shot mod people on PS3 bum me out.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:02 PM PST

    They are evil in its purest form. They are probably serial killers in real life. They probably stop at the end of escalators so they can finish typing on their phone or just look around stupidly as they think about how great the taste of shit is. They probably never use their turn signal. They probably can't drive actually but if they did, they'd hit your car multiple times trying to park before giving up and leaving with no contact information left behind. They also probably leave shopping carts in parking spaces. I bet they shit on the toilet seat in public restrooms and don't even know how to wash their hands. They probably piss on the floor too since there are no real life mods to help with urinal accuracy.

    That's all I got. Cheers to all the people that still play this game and don't download mods that can turn a type 88 lmg into a one-shot kill.

    submitted by /u/J_Ghoul
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    Co-op Ps3

    Posted: 10 Mar 2022 03:42 AM PST

    Started a brand new account after a few years since hitting lvl 100 and taking a break, And I need someone on ps3 that could help me later today to unlock the 93R and those gun from Co-op. Drop tags if interested

    submitted by /u/ChoiceDry1314
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    Gun Master PS3

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 05:17 PM PST

    Would any ps3 players out there help me get my close quarters server going? It would be nice to play the close quarters game modes again. The Name of the server is DANKZ | CLOSE QUARTERS - Hardcore.

    submitted by /u/DankZ0420
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    The Lag Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 07:09 AM PST

    Asian server

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 11:11 PM PST

    does this game have an active asian server?

    submitted by /u/WesternPerformance90
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    Challenge To Use AT Mines On Infantry 🤣🔥(Highlights)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:22 AM PST

    Story Time! Just had an epic game of Rush on Metro

    Posted: 09 Mar 2022 02:10 AM PST

    Man, let me tell you, I haven't had a game that awesome in aaages in BF3. It's a full server.

    We were the attacking team on Metro in Rush gamemode, on a DICE server... and as some of you know this one can be tough, you can get completely fucked and game over without destroying a single objective on this map. We were getting our asses handed to us left and right from snipers to LMGS, but we kept trying in waves. Pushed again and I saw a gap was able to set the charge on B right after a enemy support planted C4 and ran to cover turning his back to me, I set the charge, by the time the guy saw me it was too late and he must've been a bit deaf with the surrounding fire. I'd already set the charge and others swarmed the area, him blowing up the C4 was too late. And ya somehow the enemy let us have that one, with B destroyed the enemy team would not let us have A, they basically stood on the bloody thing, like two whole squads occupying a space the size of a living room. a few of us took to the outskirts of the map where the water is to infiltrate behind enemy lines being sneaky and we just camped for a few mins, not shooting just observing and waiting with bated breath. A few of us got picked off but I did not move, just spotted constantly with my laser sight turned off whilst moving strategically. Now there were only 9 tickets left.I just sat prone, closer now, under the enemy's shade, in between their defenders default spawn and the objective, prone and completely hidden, unnoticed for a few more tickets and I just had the pause menu opened up to the map, to check if a squad on ours was approaching A, on a suicide mission like us. There was indeed one squad of 4 rushing to attack A from the middle of the map with a hastening. I took a chance and ran to the backs of the enemys, (thinking the enemy team would likely be spawning on each other as the tickets ran down and their confidence went up). This paid off, I pulled out my silenced pistol and helped that squad get to the machine, putting down two enemies in their way, from behind enemy lines and their backs. There's 1 ticket left, I ran to the objective as they did. either I or someone on this squad dived onto the computer,Because we both dived and set the charge and barely fended off the next wave of enemies like hell. The final losing music got louder and louder to our doom I dropped my grenade at the objective and ducked , but wait, the music's gone! Boom. We clutched it! WITH ONLY 1 TICKET LEFT. Swear to god I don't know how but holy shit/// New objectives! We immediately ran around like idiots shooting in the sky in celebration and teabagged the corpses whilst filling them with lead a little too long..... But I wish I had a capture card because the footage would've spoke for itself. I've been in many games where we steamrolled the enemy but this was different and Just a truly epic game all round. What a fucking good one.

    Anyways long story short we basically gave the enemy a taste of their own medicine with a good hiding and steamrolled the entirety of the other objectives with the same wavelike strategy, and the enemy being in disbelief, we psyched them out for sure and won the entire thing. What was initially turning into a sad sack of a game for us at the beginning with some people leaving from our team in rage, turned into an epic redemption. Man, what a memorable game! We actually worked as a proper team by the end of it!

    submitted by /u/911emergencysnake
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