• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 30, 2022

    Battlefield 4 "Hey, thanks for the spot. I've just unlocked a bipod for my knife"

    Battlefield 4 "Hey, thanks for the spot. I've just unlocked a bipod for my knife"

    "Hey, thanks for the spot. I've just unlocked a bipod for my knife"

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 04:56 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:27 PM PST

    I got super lucky, but how didn´t the Engineer die to his RPG, yet I did?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:00 AM PST

    I poked an enemy then made truce, the way he looked at me at the end is so peaceful ������������ bf4 is best trolling

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:00 AM PST

    Roadside IED attack

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:17 PM PST

    Getting that sweet revenge on a helicopter on shanghai

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:45 AM PST

    Well I’m not mad

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:22 PM PST

    PC players, how skilled are you in the game? Statistically.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:11 AM PST

    Just out of curiosity. Since the game has been out for many years, the skill ceiling on PC is pretty high.

    What is your SPM, KD, and KPM and what playstyle (Infy/Ground vehicles/Air/Sea) do you prefer to go with?

    submitted by /u/WiseAssFool7787
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    Anyone still on PS4? Are servers still good?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 09:56 AM PST

    Redownloading the game again for old times sake. Wondered if it was worth it

    submitted by /u/g_r18
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    C is always full of heads to pop

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:23 AM PST

    Does anyone know any good domination servers on PS4? I want to try something different other than Conquest and Team Deathmatch.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:31 AM PST

    Infantry on PC

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:17 AM PST

    We have a battlefield 4 server called =Sniper Squad= Infantry, We are needing players to help populate it, So if your a Battlefield 4 player stop by & help our server out. Visit us at;


    submitted by /u/drummersdream70
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    Anybody got some spare codes for BF4?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:15 AM PST

    I would love to try out bf4's campaign and multiplayer. If anyone out there has some spare codes, I would appreciate having one!

    submitted by /u/CommissionInner3692
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    I feel a little guilty about it

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:03 AM PST

    I will take it.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:11 PM PST

    Brother trying to revive me: A sad story.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:04 PM PST

    Make it happen

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:00 AM PST

    I dont know how i didnt heard him

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:45 PM PST

    Please Tell me your worst experience with Battlefield admins or them putting stupid weapon rules on the server

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 12:45 AM PST

    Mine goes all the way back to BF3. Here it is if you care to read it:

    I remember it was when shotguns got nerfed because the children cried so hard that they died in one shot to point black shotgun rounds. They were angry shotguns worked in the ONLY situation they are of any use.

    The worst experience was how many servers I joined that had the rules: "No Famas" "No shotgun" "no M4" "no airburst" "no iron sight sniper rifle" "no IR"

    It went on and on and on, I'm not joking. It's extremely embarrassing to see someone get that upset that they ban every single weapon they die to.

    Looking back it speaks to the immense immaturity of the players and the amount of children playing the game.

    I've never played any other game where people get so upset they die to any weapon.

    Even with all this I remember I joined a server with that big tunnel with a construction truck in the tunnel, I climbed to the top of the truck with an LMG and mowed down like 6 people in a few seconds as they walked into a choke point. I got maybe 3 more kills before my screen went black, I had been kicked! For killing the admin.

    Honourable mentions to the "noob friendly servers that are just admins endlessly killing newbies with a little bird and they kick you if you kill them, some audacious enough to say "no stinger/igla".

    submitted by /u/fuggtyler
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    Any metro Rush servers on Xbox? Or any rush servers lol? All I can find servers for anymore are conquest.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:43 PM PST

    Scout heli dogfighting !

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:18 AM PST

    Anyone up for scout heli 1v1 ? "Europe region"

    submitted by /u/Fa_AH
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