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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Battlefield 3 Had to post this one, just played a two and half hour game

    Battlefield 3 Had to post this one, just played a two and half hour game

    Had to post this one, just played a two and half hour game

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    ! *** [JTF2] Back-2-Karkand - Fair P... • Round time: 2h 23m

    Not sure if I've ever played longer - I just came across it, I had to bail early, both teams were even. I left ahead, they won my 150 points. Not saying my absence tilted it in their favor, they won this one by themselves.

    Was serious fun.

    submitted by /u/Trax852
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    There are seriously still hackers on bf3??

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    I've had a hell of a week playing this week, seems everybody is sweatin tf out this game cuz I have never died so easily before. Dealing with coordinated lvl100s with their iglas (I just hate them because they don't work for me but they sure as hell kill me alot), medics w/ an94s, recon w/ mp7 at 100 stars, fucking tanks lol, it is a bitch. Match is pretty much over if their helis are killing everything in sight or they have a flying ace destroying everything he sees, idk how tf yall see anything cuz I can't see shit until I've rammed the fucking jet into the ground. This crap I can tolerate though, even if I get ruined. It's part of the game and I can overcome these obstacles at least.

    But these fucking hackers man... They literally make the worst in me want to come out.. I can't stand these pieces of shit, also this week I've had 2 that killed me with 1 shot head, every damn time they even looked at me. Now the first one I'm 1000% sure because he knew where everybody was at, all the time. I never lasted more than a solid second looking at him before I died. Most vivid memory of this shit moment was me falling to his right out of our luck, off the train in metro as we were being spawn camped, as he was killing my squad mate. He killed him so fast that even though I began shooting and hitting him but he just looked at me and literally ended what I was doing. We ended up 1-9 and he just had an rpk.......

    Just rn I was enjoying a fantastic match. An even 5v5 rush on metro where the defending was hella good, making it as far as we did was so enjoyable because it took work, I even had a nemesis who was getting me good at 3-6. We got up to the last mcoms when some dirty hack joined. In 5 minutes, he had already killed just as much as everyone else. And within another five he had gone 46-2. How... How tf do you get clean headshots with a fucking PDW-R from the Russian entrance all the way to the damn escalators at obj B. I saw my squad spawn in the hallway while he was coincidentally in the middle and he wiped them 3 out with 1 mag and still managed to Rex and the last guy in a different squad who made his way up the escalators. This 1 guy literally just ran around doing 1 shot headshots every, fucking, time on everyone.

    I didn't even want to spawn anymore. So I didn't. I was kicked at the end of the 2nd paragraph because I don't want to play anymore. I finally was enjoying a game and this douchebag just came and took a fucking dump on me. I still managed to see my original team quit, new guys had joined when I began writing this and they were murdered right away. He got like 5 kills in one minute, you, didn't see any other name in the kill feed. I called it quits when he had me at 0-6; he was already at 3/4 health when I managed to land at clean shot to the neck with the M40A5. He head shotted me back instead... I knew then I don't need to waste my energy or time over a guy who can kill me at 50 yards with a PDW-R lmao.

    I was going to share the pictures because even their scores are just so out of proportion. It's obvious when all the other scores are compared. I really hope these 2 losers enjoy this because getting killed by everyone else sucks but for these assholes to just rob you like this.... Idk... Fuck em to death..

    submitted by /u/RandletheLovehandle
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