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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Battlefield 3 Am I allowed to post about a giveaway?

    Battlefield 3 Am I allowed to post about a giveaway?

    Am I allowed to post about a giveaway?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:06 PM PST

    I got a couple of keys from my friends (the prime gaming keys) and wanted to do a giveaway cause I don't really need 2 extra keys haha. I'm wondering if I'm allowed to post about that here.

    I'll be giving them away on my stream so I was afraid that this might be seen as self-promotion, hence, I didn't want to post that without asking

    submitted by /u/inoslaxman
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    Code for Origin (Prime Gaming)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST


    submitted by /u/5kender
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    Battlefield 3 97% Off Sale (1.41 USD) Standard Edition

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:11 PM PST

    I want to report this hacker

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    I was on the jet and that headshot me with the AA, I though maybe it was luck but he killed people inside the attack helicopter while flying. I think he has some kind of aim assist.

    submitted by /u/Rafael13_es
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    Venice Unleashed Night Map Markaz Monolith Rush First Try RPK-74

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Can I share premium?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:03 PM PST

    So, I have premium edition, and my friend has only the base game. Does it work if I share mine premium? Or it work only with dlcs and not premium?

    submitted by /u/Altair_00
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    I banned on server. PS3. Why?( This my favorite server

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Game freezing on TDM but not on Conquest - PS3 - Noobgamer0111

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:32 AM PST

    Hey everyone, Noobgamer0111 here!

    I've been having a weird freezing issue when playing Team Death Match (TDM) on either Noshahr Canals or Seine Crossing on the PlayStation 3 (disc version, standard edition).

    So what happens is that after I die, I go to the weapons selection/kit adjustment screen. The glitch effect (the screen shows artefacts like as if you were changing channels on an analogue TV, with the red and blue bits of static) then causes my entire game to freeze.

    The only real solution was to manually turn off my PS3 by pressing the front power button. A beep code of two (2) quick beeps is heard. From this beep code, I'm assuming the PS3 resets itself.

    I leave the console as it is for a few hours to cool down (it doesn't overheat yet!).

    My game data is unaffected. I can still play Conquest (CQ)Noshahr canals and Seine Crossing CQ with no issues (the only issue is that no-one plays the fucking objective lol).

    My thoughts:

    • It is well-known that this game takes a beating on both the PS3 and 360 versions. It is highly resource intensive (given the low resolution of approx. 720p at 30FPS), and crashes are always present.
    • It is difficult to determine the exact cause of what is causing the freeze.
    • I believe that the internal HDD (256GB HDD, unknown speed) is probably getting a bit too warm and is causing the game to freeze as it keeps trying to load both the actual game (e.g. textures, player models, weapons models) and as well as load my items.
    • I can play Blu-Ray movies with no issues. The PS3 doesn't have any issues with discs.
    • I have also had a freeze on BF: Bad Company 2 when playing CQ on Oasis. I had a lot of explosions in the background at the time of the freeze.

    Spanish (Español)

    Hola a todos, aquí Noobgamer0111!

    He tenido un extraño problema de congelación cuando jugaba Team Death Match (TDM) en Noshahr Canals o Seine Crossing en PlayStation 3 (versión en disco, edición estándar).

    Entonces, lo que sucede es que después de morir, voy a la pantalla de selección de armas / ajuste del kit. El efecto de falla (la pantalla muestra artefactos como si estuvieras cambiando de canal en un televisor analógico, con los bits rojos y azules de estática) hace que todo mi juego se congele.

    La única solución real fue apagar manualmente mi PS3 presionando el botón de encendido frontal. Se escucha un código de pitido de dos (2) pitidos rápidos. A partir de este código de sonido, supongo que la PS3 se reinicia.

    Dejo la consola como está durante unas horas para que se enfríe (¡todavía no se sobrecalienta!).

    Mis datos de juego no se ven afectados. Todavía puedo jugar los canales de Conquest (CQ) Noshahr y Seine Crossing CQ sin problemas (el único problema es que nadie juega el puto objetivo lol).

    Mis pensamientos:

    - Es bien sabido que este juego recibe una paliza tanto en la versión de PS3 como en la de 360. Consume muchos recursos (dada la baja resolución de aproximadamente 720p a 30 FPS) y los bloqueos siempre están presentes.

    - Es difícil determinar la causa exacta de lo que está causando el congelamiento.

    - Creo que el disco duro interno (disco duro de 256 GB, velocidad desconocida) probablemente se está calentando un poco y está causando que el juego se congele mientras sigue intentando cargar tanto el juego real (por ejemplo, texturas, modelos de jugador, modelos de armas) como así como cargar mis artículos.

    - Puedo reproducir películas en Blu-Ray sin problemas. La PS3 no tiene problemas con los discos.

    - También me he congelado en BF: Bad Company 2 cuando jugaba CQ en Oasis. Tenía muchas explosiones de fondo en el momento del congelamiento.

    Translated by Google Translate.

    submitted by /u/Noobgamer0111
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