• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Battlefield [BF4] Camper-Be-Gone! Kill campers with this 1 simple trick!

    Battlefield [BF4] Camper-Be-Gone! Kill campers with this 1 simple trick!

    [BF4] Camper-Be-Gone! Kill campers with this 1 simple trick!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Battlefield 1 - Remember The Fallen Trailer ♥️ (FAN MADE) with unscripted multiplayer matches. #BF1 [BF1]

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    It’s been a loooong time...

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Launching of a Panzerfaust in game vs real life(Close to accurate reproduction)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    wasnt expecting that

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    The friendly AI in this game will never not be hilarious

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    What was the nail in the coffin for bf5 for you?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I tried my best to enjoy the game for what it was, but after constant missteps and chaos from the devs, the devs saying they didn't have the tech to enable 2xp just made me quit outright.

    submitted by /u/Stone47
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    This is all I need

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    [BF4] a blessing from the lord

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    SO this really just happened... Toxicity level max

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    I have been trying to unlock the "conflict" dogtag in an empty server. Almost got it and this guy joined and camped in the palace with the trench raider kit. Tried other servers including an Oceanic one. And nope, he managed to find me every time I reached the final stage. Just could not believe how pathetic one can be, and how little is going on in his life. Guess his username checks out.

    Screenshot of some of the chat he sent:


    submitted by /u/EilrahcC
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    Do people still play bf1 on ps4

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    I tried playing bf1 on ps4 since I have been playing bf3 on pc bc my ps4 wasn't working, and now that im back, there is noone on bf1, I tried for atleast a week to get into a full match, but the best I could find was 3 guys and an empty server

    submitted by /u/Gaming_Tuna
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    so bad

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    wont you like to keep experiencing Omaha Beach like this ?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Bf1 is very overrated imo

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Imma keep it real here - battlefield 1 is kind of overrated imo. I mean yes it's a good game especially compared to bf5. The atmosphere and immersion is incredible and pretty much unrivalled by any other multiplayer game I've played. But the game has a LOT of problems. If you've played this game consistently (which I did for over 2 years and occasionally come back to) then you know what I'm talking about. Explosives were rampant, grenades were ridiculously powerful and vehicles were OP as hell which resulted in countless frustrating deaths. Not to mention the gunplay is crap and probs the worst in the series. I mean come on who thought random bullet deviation was a good idea. Melee combat is also a joke, constantly getting front knifed and someone activating bayonet charge a metre in front of me. And the matchmaking is awful. From day 1 to present day I often get placed in empty games, despite it having a healthy player count on PS4. I'm not ripping this game a new one or anything cod it can be very fun but when I see people saying this is one of if not the best bf game I wonder if they're playing the same game. Just my opinion.

    submitted by /u/acoyne1
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    Battlefield 3 online play for achievements as well

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Does anyone still play BF3 online for Xbox? Do you need any achievements to unlock still for online / multiplayer? If so please drop your GT and I can help you

    submitted by /u/rocketman206
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    BF6: Standard MP player counts - they should stay the same. Opinion?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    In BFV, the following modes have these player counts:

    • Conquest, Breakthrough, Outpost and Grand Operations - 64 players.
    • Domination, Rush, Frontlines and Team Deathmatch - 32 players.
    • Squad Conquest - 16 players

    Assuming that the above game modes will be in BF6 (not sure about Outpost though), I believe the player counts are good enough and don't need to be increased.

    I wouldn't like to see Domination and Team Deathmatch to have their player counts decrease from 32 players down to the 20's like in previous instalments (BF4 - 20 players, BF1 - 24 players). 32 is the right amount of players for these modes. If they really want to increase, I think they will increase to either 40 or 48.

    I would think Rush and Frontlines will remain at 32 players. Again, if they want to increase it will be either to 40 or 48.

    I would think Conquest, Breakthrough, Outpost and Grand Operations will remain at 64 players.

    I would hope Squad Conquest will be increased to either 20 or 32 players from 16 players.


    Do you think the player counts for Domination, Rush, Frontlines and Team Deathmatch will increase from 32, stay at 32, or decreased? Squad Conquest from 16 players to 20 or 32 players?

    I know there are rumours about maps designed in mind for 128+ players, but the core multiplayer will be like the above player counts, in particular 32v32 (64 players).

    submitted by /u/Samta752
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    elon musk setting up servers on mars or something idk

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I'm Your opinion, are Battlefield games better as World War or Furutistic Games?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:15 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    4 years later the challenge still hasn't been finished

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

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