• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    Battlefield Server Outages

    Battlefield Server Outages

    Server Outages

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:25 PM PDT


    EDIT: issues are being reported.. again.

    EDIT 2: Issues have been confirmed.


    Hey r/Battlefield,

    Origin and EA services are currently experiencing issues, please refrain from posting about it and remember to check @EAHelp on Twitter for the most up-to-date information.

    Latest Update: https://twitter.com/eahelp/status/1250333230563127298

    We're currently looking into the issues affecting our services. If you can't play online, access Origin or EA Help, we're on it.

    submitted by /u/SuitingUncle620
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    [BF4] I meant to do that

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    [BF1] Plink

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    stab, stab, stab, stabbed. [BFV]

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    For someone who has only played new Battlefield games (3,4,1,5), what made the older games so different or better, in your oppinion? [BF3, BF4, BF1, BF5]

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    I've played 3, 4, 1, and 5 and have enjoyed all of them. There are differences in them but they are all pretty similar when it comes to the basic idea and fee. (Atleast to me)

    I keep hearing that everything changed with 3 and old Battlefield games, like 2 or Bad Company 2, were the best. So many players say they were much more hardcore and tactical in comparison to the new titles.

    What made them that way? What mechanics were different? No health regen? How was spawning, resupply, damage/ttk, stuff like that?

    I'm really curious. It sounds like something I would have liked. I wish Battlefield were just a little more mil sim. Definitely not all the way, but just a little. I'm on console, so I drool when I see stuff like Squad and other games. Battlefield is the closest thing I can get.

    So yeah, other than movement speed, what was so different about the old titles? What made them more tactical?

    submitted by /u/NEONumber9
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    [BF1] Anyone having problem finding servers on xbox platform?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    I redownloaded the game after a while and I hardly can find any servers on EU or North America. I don't even expect to find hardcore gamemodes.

    submitted by /u/steveudvarhelyi
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    [Other] Now that its had some time out in the sun, How do you guys feel about MW's Ground War?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    BFV has been fucking bumming me out so I decided to see if I could get my fix from something else. Ground War is the other AAA conquest like game mode out there right now so I've been gravitating towards that. I like that its there, but it is pretty far from what battlefield actually does and I feel like both are separate things rather than being close together.

    Killstreaks really kill the experience for me. Some of the things you can get killed by feel like absolute bullshit so some other dude can get his rocks off killing a man from 1000 meters away safely in some AC130, (BF3) also thought that was a good idea. There are a few other bad ones in here, but overall it I think some of those matches with Killstreaks can be too much.

    Vehicles feel like an after thought rather than a necessity, there is no need for a vehicle to push an object to destroy a line and get the troops in to cap, you can pretty much ditch them and the match plays out the exact same way.

    Squads are just mobile spawns, and the lack of classes makes nothing you do really all that important. Everyone has the same kit that can be twisted to your liking. I don't think it really changes anything to have on guy play with a rocket launcher, and another try and be some medic without the squad revives.

    Maps don't understand battle lines, and feel like massive arena maps rather than a series of locations with sections meant for defensive and offense pushes. This adds to vehicles feeling pretty useless.

    I'd like this gamemode to light a fire under Battlefield's ass so they wake up and make a better game, but reguardless of how ground war is, I feel like MW as a whole is already doing that. It really isn't doing the job of bring BF's gameplay in. It's a pretty shallow addition and feels like MW's take on conquest just really pushes in the idea of how important you are, and how little your team matters in the rest of the game.

    It's not doing it for me, I want BF to comeback.

    submitted by /u/Zeth_Aran
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    [BFV] Battlefield V looks extremely pixelated in 1080p?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    My pc should have no issue running this game, but still no matter what i do and what settings i change the game looks extremely pixelated on my 1080p monitor, it looks like the game is running at 800p or lower.

    Is there any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/XyDroR
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    [Bf2142] Next battlefield should be similar to this gem, blowing up titans was so epic!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    [Video] Finish the job

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    [BF1] instant karma... I dont teabag, just couldn't miss the opportunity.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    [Question] Battlefield 1 Revolution or Battlefield V?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Should I pick up BF1 Revolution for $10 or BF5 for $15? Is BF1 still active both on vanilla and DLC maps for PC in US West?

    I've played BF1 on PS4 a little bit but never got to playing the DLC. Is BF5 Year 2 Edition worth $25?

    submitted by /u/user27271818
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    [BFV] Getting Hammered

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    [BF1] How is the population on this game for PC?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Is it easy to find a match?

    submitted by /u/b00tstr4pper
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    [BFV] Battlefield V Chapter 6 but it's Run through the Jungle | Took me almost 2 hours to edit! Also my first edit on a desktop video editor, I want to hear your thoughts!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    [Other] do you think an American civil war game would be cool? What are some reasons why or why not.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    [BF4] well i guess it’s time to go do things that i’ve been putting off for weeks: like washing my car

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    [BF4] Killing Wall-E

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    [BF4] Improving Shanghai w/ Pictures

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    [BF4] Improving Shanghai w/ Pictures

    Shanghai has a few issues, namely with the tower which is meant to be the focal point of the map. when it's up, it's not fun to fight over simply because a few people can just watch the elevators with C4 traps and completely ruin any attempted assaults on the tower. sure, you could take the transport chopper up and attack that way, but that's not particularly fun when that's the only viable option. so what I want to do is open the tower up a little bit more. so with my idea, the building would be under maintenance or could even be in the final stages of reconstruction as it would have been destroyed when the battle was happening in BF4.

    so the first improvement I had in mind was a staircase, that's the single biggest thing that I think could drastically improve the map. sure it would take longer to use the stair as opposed to the elevator, but the staircase would be a more predictable environment to stage an attack on the tower, and with the building under maintenance that gives us an excuse to have a scaffold elevator which could lead you to a middle floor for quicker access to the staircase, there's not anything on the middle floor other than a hallway leading to the staircase, I also think an AA gun is necessary as a counter to the attack heli, not a lock on either, I'm thinking maybe have a tow missile up there or something which is effective as a counter, yet still requires a bit of skill,flags and if our goal is to retain the maps original tower gameplay that's where we would stop, but if you ask me I think there should be access to the floor below the roof, maybe they should mirror a little bit of the layout of Ziba Tower from BF3 for that new floor because if I recall the size and shape of Ziba Tower isn't all that different from the Shanghai Tower. and in order to keep that floor relevant, it would also be a part of the burn zone for the flag. also one of the spawn points on the rooftop was pretty toxic as it spawned teams in perfect line of sight of the other side of the roof, there's no issue with a spawn point being there, but it should only be there when the flag has no enemies, if enemies are on the flag all spawn points should be in covered positions. tho, spawn points are an issue on other flags too, it seems to be a bit of theme with BF4 maps to have terrible spawn points.

    Improved Roof

    Ziba Tower layout, potential reference for top floors

    Now when Charlie is brought down the biggest and most glaring issue is the spawns. the game spawns you on the main road, the road where tanks will be driving. spawning infantry on the street here also makes fighting over the rubble more annoying as it's so far away from the actual capture point that you can't realistically stop the enemy from capping the flag before you get there as it takes so long to get to said flag. and by the time you do get to the flag the enemy are either gone or there are more enemies who have spawned behind you on your long journey to the flag. so basically you either meet no resistence and recap the flag, or you get shot from the front and from behind. the easy solution to this would be to move the spawns forward a little bit into the rubble, I also feel this would make shanghais rubble feel more like what we saw on the trailers where it was still a busy flag, in the current game the spawns are way too far from the flag leading to the flag being empty most of the time, which I don't think that's what Dice's vision was when they made this map. I'd also recommend DICE to take a look at redesigning the layout of the rubble to be more consistent and less random, as it stands the rubble is no fun because you always get stuck, and the gun fights you do get in, in said rubble are just super inconsistent which also explains why the flag is abandoned most of the game once the tower is brought down.


    Moving to Bravo flag now, the only real issue with this capture point is where it spawn infantry, in the BF4 version infantry spawn on the street to the far west miles away from any viable cover, meaning infantry become easy targets for any nearby tanks. not fun. instead I think spawn should be underground and near entrances to the underground section and near viable pieces of cover. all new spawns marked with black background


    submitted by /u/abcMF
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    [BF1]Terrible input lag making the game unplayable

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Any help? Since the last patch ive been having terrible input lag

    Ive tried disabling dx12, cleaning the pc with CCleaner and disabling origin in game

    What a fucking shitty game smh

    submitted by /u/bpapao
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