• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 25, 2022

    Battlefield Always on Breakthrough too

    Battlefield Always on Breakthrough too

    Always on Breakthrough too

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 04:55 AM PST


    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 11:11 PM PST

    Do you hear something?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 09:39 AM PST

    No comment, just truth

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 06:12 AM PST

    Give me,your TOWs

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 06:20 PM PST

    So the last time I made the BFV fan made trailer but this time I made another one for Battlefield 1 still with 1917's soundtrack.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 12:12 AM PST

    This new gun is really wild

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 03:58 AM PST

    The craziest snipe shot I've ever made in Battlefield history. some will say it was a fluke shot but this my third attempt at taking that pilot, he kept taking off in the same pattern. Third times a charm.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 07:01 AM PST

    Even commanders fear me

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 06:25 PM PST

    Pure skill and natural talent at play here

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 10:47 AM PST

    Me with BF2042 right now

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 09:19 AM PST

    In regards to the MKV being added in BF4

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 10:00 AM PST

    Battlefield 4 will always be beautiful

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 11:40 AM PST

    Out of all the mistakes the battlefield franchise has made, Battlefield 3s soundtrack Solomons theme will always be the one thing they didn’t mess up!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 04:46 AM PST

    Pacific Storm: The Unrestored Photos - 1944

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 10:02 AM PST

    Have I told you about the little 6 pounder that could?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 09:53 AM PST

    We were both a little bit surprised.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 08:12 AM PST

    Air Hogs

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 09:58 AM PST

    Am I dumb, or is selecting a spawn in 2042 super hard for some reason?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 01:33 AM PST

    I have trouble selecting spawns. For example, ill want to spawn at B, but my selector will be on A so ill try to select B by pushing the joystick but it wont move, or it will select a squadmate or another objective like C and no matter how hard, it wont let me select B. This happens all the time, and yes I know you cant spawn on objectives my team doesnt own, im talking about when im trying to spawn on one of my teams objective. Maybe its becuase im doing it wrong or becuase im on controller but never had this issue in bf1 or bfv

    submitted by /u/Nmartinez_77
    [link] [comments]

    Why is this version called "Limited Edition" when there's not copy limitation on it?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 02:48 AM PST

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