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    Monday, December 27, 2021

    Battlefield 4 ngl i felt very smart in first place

    Battlefield 4 ngl i felt very smart in first place

    ngl i felt very smart in first place

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:28 PM PST

    a screenshot a day #3

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 10:25 PM PST

    How many of you do strafing runs in planes / helicopters?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 08:08 PM PST

    These kind of reversals are hysterical. Felt bad tbh,I’d be selling my entire xbox setup on eBay if i was one of these guys.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 02:48 AM PST

    Hello BF4 community. Please vote.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Hello friends and comrades. Those of you that are active on PlayStation are aware that we run our Sloth Alliance Classics server entirely on classic conquest maps with minimal modification to keep the original experience pure. This keeps the server alive pretty much all the time minus technical issues and/or DDos driven server disruptions.

    We have been trying to do the same on our Sloth Alliance SPY server, except with only the Premium maps over the past 6 months.

    This has been a fairly difficult task to achieve, as less than half of us have premium and/or don't prefer those particular maps or the usual DDos. Because of this, the server rarely stays alive overnight and requires daily attention to be brought back to full status.

    We've been discussing the idea of renovating the SPY server into a different mode and a couple of suggestions were made. Since we could not come to a resolution with our SPY platoon, I thought a vote among the entire community would give us the best outcome. Feel free to vote and drop a comment on your thoughts. The opinion of you all is greatly appreciated.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/IlSlothll
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    Thoughts on Battlefield 4 from a new player in 2021

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:17 PM PST

    I wanted to throw down some thoughts on the game here at the end of 2021, since I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I find it's a fascinating game when it comes to the design and balance of the whole thing, especially as I come from a largely COD-based background for playing online shooters.

    I've been playing the game for a couple of months now, after not being able to get into it maybe four or five years ago. What prompted me to download it was 2042 being out, I haven't played that game, but I heard about the Battlefield Portal and learned there was 1942 content in it. Then I learned the content wasn't all that good, but still felt the urge for play some sort of Battlefield and figured I'd give this one another shot.

    When everything works in this game, like when it all comes together, it's really outstanding and incredibly fun. I'd also say that this game is something that's greater than the sum of its parts, in the sense that each individual part of the game isn't necessarily that great, but it all generally winds up working out. I want to stress that I like the game and feel it comes together more often than not, so while I've got a lot of criticism of Battlefield 4, consider it more as me trying to think of ways a fun game could be better, rather than me just dumping on it non-stop.

    For instance I don't honestly think that the shooting is all that remarkable as far as FPS games go. It works fine for how the game is, but it's in this weird space between realism (like something similar to ARMA) and arcadey (COD) and I don't honestly know if that's a good thing or not. The game has a COD-like, arcade feel to the shooting, but simultaneously incorprates things like very pronounced inherent inaccuracy while ADS, bullet travel time and comically exaggerated bullet drop (seriously some mid-range sniper shots look like lobbing a softball). Some of these things feature in modern COD games as well, though usually not nearly to the same extent, particularly outside of the battle royale games and modes.

    To be honest, whenever I'm on a server and a map like Locker or Metro comes up, it's not terribly exciting for me. To put it bluntly I think the shooting in BF4 is pretty clunky overall, serviceable but not much else. Maps that focus on that specifically kind of fall flat for me because there's not much variety in how you actually interact with the game, sure you've still got various gadgets to mess around with, but the whole aspect of combined arms that the game provides is what's really attractive to me.

    I also think that the balance between infantry weapons is actually pretty good, especially for a game with like 90 firearms in it. I don't think there's anything that feels outright unusable, which is good. That being said, there are a number of weapons that are noticeably, obviously better than their competition to the point that it's kind of astonishing to me that they weren't nerfed at any point.

    The biggest and most obvious offender to me is the G18. Most of the pistols in the game seem to exist to finish off enemy players who are already hurt, or as a desperation tactic when there isn't any time for a reload. To put it simply, they don't really feel like primary weapons in their own right, they're generally to slow to kill, too unreliable or too difficult to pull of consistently (revolvers). The G18 doesn't really have these problems, it kills at least as fast as many primaries, is extremely easy to use and doesn't really have any serious drawbacks outside of having poor range (which doesn't wind up mattering). There's not really much reason not to use it if you're looking for sheer efficiency, aside from the 93R none of the other pistols can really touch it.

    There's similar examples in the other weapon classes but as far as I can tell they never really hit the same extremes as the G18. There are obvious meta gun choices, the AEK is one example, the MTAR is another. It's not for no reason either, there's other guns that can do the same things as those examples, but they don't ever do it quite as well or as easily. I'd like to stress that this problem isn't really that big of a deal and it's something that pretty much every modern shooter I can think of winds up dealing with. At times it just feels very pronounced in BF4 compared to some other games that I've played. But again, the balance is generally pretty good, there's just some really loud outliers.

    Also, this is just an aside and not really a problem, but I think the weapon list is kind of padded. There's a lot of cool options, but does there really need to be six different variations of the AK-12? I imagine it's a lot easier for them to modify an already made weapon model rather than making something totally new, but it's a bit silly in some respects. Like there's like five semi-auto shotguns and two of them are AK-pattern models. Again, not a huge criticism but it's kind of underwhelming in that respect.

    I think the balance for vehicles is much more egregious and I'd maybe argue that it's the part of the game that feels the least polished. Combat between vehicles is actually alright, probably more checkers than chess, but it works okay, feels basically logical and fair. The ability to loadout vehicle types with specific types of upgrades is a cool idea, though a lot of the options feel more like gimmicks rather than anything else and by and large most players seem to be using the same loadouts. But generally speaking, I think DICE did okay with how vehicles interact with each other, it's pretty well thought-out.

    The interactions between vehicles and infantry is a totally different story though. Funnily enough I think it's all mostly fairly between MBTs and infantry, tanks are obviously very strong and a group of infantry are probably going to need to work together to take one down, but tanks aren't exactly super-lethal to infantry either, so I'd say it works pretty well.

    IFVs are a different story though. On paper I think the idea of IFVs having a better matchup against infantry makes a lot of sense and could work well. I think the problem is that between a single IFV and a group of infantry, the IFV has a massive advantage, far more than it actually needs. Working as an Engineer or even a cheeky Support/Recon with C4, IFVs just aren't any fun to fight. With an MBT you're dealing with a sluggish opponent who is easy to punish if they can't immediately hit you. With an IFV, the autocannon is hilariously lethal, easy to use and far more forgiving of misses and on top of that nine times out of ten the IFV also has a TOW missile that it can swap too in between cannon fire, so while infantry are trying to take it down they've got to deal with near constant fire. I wouldn't say it's broken or overpowered, exactly, but IFVs feel slightly over-tuned for their role.

    Aircraft against infantry is substantially worse though, particularly helicopters. An even half-decent pilot in an attack chopper or scout chopper can just rain down death on infantry with impunity. On paper, infantry can counter with mobile AA or lucky RPG shots, the latter being incredibly challenging to do while under fire and the former just not working particularly well. Aircraft being able to pop flares so frequently and with such effectiveness, coupled with the bizarrely short range of mobile AA (I know it's not meant to be a realistic game but seriously a Stinger can lock on to something at like 3500 meters away IRL) means that an helicopter or jet can do a huge amount of damage to infantry and then just kind of fly away so they can't get taken down.

    Destroying aircraft requires a team effort and I'm totally fine with that. In theory. The reality of the game is that mobile AA launchers are way, way less effective than an anti-tank launcher most of the time and because of that, no one actually winds up taking a Stinger and because of that, the handful of people that do can't actually hit anything with it due to flares/lock distance problems, which makes them not want to use the Stinger, thus making the overall problem worse. On maps with stealth fighters and mobile AA this situation isn't as big a deal, but on maps with no mobile AA and dominant helicopters (like Shanghai), the problems with infantry counter-play against aircraft stick out very, very badly.

    This problem also exists with fixed-wind aircraft as well, particularly attack jets, but it doesn't really come up as often as good jet pilots seem to be much rarer than helicopter pilots. This is a good thing as if you're infantry and the enemy has a very experienced A-10 pilot, depending on the map there's a pretty good chance that guy is going to be alive for ten minutes at a time and there's not much you're going to be able to do about it.

    Basically the main thing I'm trying to get at is that the general balance between infantry and vehicles almost always favor the vehicles for the simple fact that in order for there to be parity, the infantry need to work as a team and the vehicles usually do not. Even for as much as BF4 tries to promote team play (and frankly it's actually really good at this), some people on mic are going to tell the rest of their squad to eat shit and do their own thing, while other times you're going to have others who are either very inexperienced or not at all good at counterplay against vehicles. There are also times where you'll have a really good, communicative squad that works well together and gets things done and these are the times where the game really shines. But again, you're not always going to have that and even if you do, there's only so much you can do against a good attack chopper or LAV.

    I want to state for the record too: I'm not trying to say that infantry should have a reasonable shot at taking out an armored vehicle or aircraft in a 1v1 situation. I think that would be worse than what we have now. I just think that the balance is skewed too heavily in the favor of vehicles and I think it's a bit of a bummer that they never quite figured it out. I don't really blame them either, this game was probably a nightmare to try and balance in comparison to something relatively more simple like an average COD.

    I do genuinely enjoy this game, most of the time anyway. It's a really unique series and when it's good it's very good. It's also incredibly flawed and I think these flaws do tend to detract from the experience, at least a little bit. I bought the DLC while it was on sale and I am looking forward to hover tanks, both getting dunked on and doing the dunking myself.

    tldr: I got killed by an apc please nerf. also i cant fly helocopter

    actual tldr: game is good, infantry counter-play against vehicles isn't especially balanced or fun

    submitted by /u/CodeOfHamOrRabbi
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    What’s better an94 or m416

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Hi, someone knows how to disable preround on bf4 server?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 07:07 AM PST

    a screenshot a day #2

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 12:13 AM PST

    What is the furthest posible headshot?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 04:36 AM PST

    Me and a friend did a setup where I hit a 2226m headshot. I saw on youtube a guy that hit like 3.4 km but when I tried to do it furthe my bulets "disappeared" mid air. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/HellcatsWraith
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    What is weapon progression on bf4

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 01:41 AM PST

    is the game active on ps3?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 04:41 PM PST

    decided to use my old ps3 and buy a game or two on it, is bf4 dead on ps3? im in us central btw

    submitted by /u/Tea_Grand
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    200% boost

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:03 AM PST

    can some1 explain me y I have always a 200% boost even if I don't have any activated

    submitted by /u/Xbooster2k5
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    Merry Christmas BF4 Players

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hope you all are having a great day.

    This is one of my favourite gaming communities. I played back when the game came out in 2014, then moved onto each BF after that. 2042 made me come back to this masterpiece and I'm hooked again. The players still playing this are usually really great squad mates and know how to play the game right.

    Here is to many more years playing this!

    submitted by /u/WeezyWally
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    What is your favorite scope to use for sniper rifles and dmrs?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:52 PM PST

    What is your go to scope to use for dmrs and sniper rifles? I personally like the 7x and 6x scope not a fan of the 8x scope. I also like the prisma and acog on dmrs but close range scopes for both i use flir

    submitted by /u/Soviet_Yunyun_-
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    In case someone still don't know about this, Adaptive Camo change depends on what map youre currently playing, same apply for Vehicle Adaptive Camo, too. Some of these Adaptive Camo are really unique. Link for all unique Adaptive Camo with pictures is in the comments.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 06:28 AM PST

    Improbable Hit with the UMP-45 | Battlefield 4 Multiplayer

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Decent flank

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 08:25 PM PST

    Caspian Border Trailer In 2021

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Battlefield 4 | Operation Locker Flanks And Chill | Road to 1K Subs And 2042

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:46 PM PST

    What is your most unconventional but fun playstyle or loadout you use to just have some random fun in this game?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 07:02 AM PST

    There is bound to be something interesting and fun to do with all these options bf4 has given us that I have yet to find out.

    submitted by /u/MaxF4ce
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    Apparently Dice is testing bots again

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 12:35 AM PST

    DICE LA Camo server (PS4)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 12:20 AM PST

    Hello fellow Battlefield nuts!

    I just rented NA server for a day to finally get myself the dice LA camo after a 4 year hiatus from the game. Fuck COD... seriously that game and their player base have issues... and kids kept me away for a while...
    Back to the point. I rented an unranked Dragon valley server for getting the camo. After 27 exact minutes, and 2 glasses of kraken, I got the camo. So feel free to take advantage of the rest of the time. I only ask you keep the server peaceful. Don't be that fucking guy in a easter egg server!

    Server name: Dice LA Camo

    Merry Christmas!

    submitted by /u/Rickor86
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    Is this a war crime?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Servers faking playercounts?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 04:19 AM PST

    Is it just me or are there just tonnes of servers that are allday long filled with around 58 - 60 players but when you go to join theres only like 10 people. Have people found a way to fake server numbers or is this just a glitch?

    submitted by /u/dnkmimstermgee
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