• Breaking News

    Friday, October 8, 2021

    Battlefield 4 I will destroy you with my mind!

    Battlefield 4 I will destroy you with my mind!

    I will destroy you with my mind!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    It's the official open beta date for BF 2042 and there are 10,000+ PC players in-game in BF4 right now. The Steam playercount for BF1 is 7040, while for BF4 it's 6500, a mere 500 player difference. How cool is that?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I think the longevity of this game is crazy! To compete against much recent titles in the franchise like this... gotta say I feel proud of the playerbase.

    For anyone who was worried that the BF4 playercount may disappear with 2042 releasing, I don't think you have much to worry about. (Although Portal could effectively create an upgraded BF4 experience so we're yet to see how that works out)

    submitted by /u/Pretend-Tangelo56
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    Probably the finest clip I will ever take.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Long live BF4!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    I'm sad. I just got on the BF2042 beta and what a steaming pile of garbage.

    I had seen people talking about it on here and most hated it also, but I didn't expect it to be that bad. The gun play feels so nasty and really sluggish, setting up your loadout is awkward, switching attachments on the fly seemed cool but feels awkward to use. I genuinely can't think of anything I liked about it.

    I didn't have massive hopes for the game, and I'm so glad I didn't pre-order it for early access. I am grateful BF4 servers are still going strong, hands down one of the best MP FPS games out there.

    Sorry, I just had to get it out there.

    submitted by /u/Da_wooden_spoon
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    I don’t play as often anymore but moments like these still bring a smile to my face

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Anybody else get on BF4 today after playing the beta to remember what a real Battlefield game is like?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Snipers Hill

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    Any way to increase the resolution on Xbox Series X?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    After playing the 2042 beta I decided to go back and play some BF4 and noticed the game was running at a very bad-looking 720p. (As an example it took me a good minute to tell if what I was looking at was a tree stump or an enemy.) Is there any way to increase the resolution or do EA/Microsoft have any plans to increase it?

    submitted by /u/Prior_Forever_8170
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    Bf 4 premium steam czy origin

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Witam, mam takie pytanie,

    ChcÄ…c kupić bf4 premium z origin za 22.48zÅ‚ pojawiÅ‚ siÄ™ komunikat "Ups. CzegoÅ› brakuje…

    Możesz oczywiście kupić sam dodatek, ale nie będzie widoczny w Twojej bibliotece i nie będzie go można uruchomić do czasu nabycia gry podstawowej:

    UsÅ‚uga Battlefield 4™ Premium potrzebuje Battlefield 4™". Rozumiem wiÄ™c, że aby mieć premium musiaÅ‚bym kupić jeszcze podstawowÄ… wersjÄ™ za 17.47zÅ‚???

    A jak wygląda sytuacja na steam? Bo jest Bf4 premium za 21.58zł i przy próbie kupna nie pojawiał się żaden podobny komunikat do tego na origin.

    Więc chyba bardziej opłaca kupić się na steam, gdyż wtedy jest już gotowa gra do grania z wszystkimi dodatkami itp?

    submitted by /u/JohnsonANDJohnson202
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    Will the Battlefield 2042 kill Battlefield 4

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Is there a big player count drop to be expected once 2042 releases since it is the true succesor to BF4?

    Remove if stupid mods

    submitted by /u/micuna447
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    Late 2021 - Any Linux players?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    I'm an avid BF4 player on Origin and would like to know if some of you guys play on Linux in multiplayer.

    How's your experience? FPS drops?

    On ProtonDB, reviews seem positive.

    Take care,

    submitted by /u/CoolYear9
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    Counter Knifing

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Can you counter counter knifing or no? I can't seem to find an answer anywhere

    submitted by /u/ArtisianWaffle
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    bugfield 4

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    You guys tired of bad spawns well here's a good one.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    I know I’m going to catch AA for this

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Okay sorry in advance for formatting I'm typing this on mobile but appreciate the read thank you.

    So I've been a BF4 fanboy most of my adult life and have put in over a thousand hours as of a couple months ago.

    I couldn't help but see all the hate BF2042 was receiving from the beta and since I've also almost always supported dice made games as well I planned on buying it anyways. Downloaded the beta and put in 14hrs of gameplay in that day(I had no work, wife or kids to take care of that day) but, I actually didn't hate it.

    BF4 has that nostalgia factor going for it right now but, I also remember playing that beta and remembering how buggy it was with weird features. I remember the complaints about how gameplay was seeming to stray away from true battlefield strategy to cod like mechanics. And as of today most of BF4 is like three or four maps that servers play on repeat with Locker being nothing but a meat grinder for nothing, Shanghai overplayed with greedy heli pilots get 100-1 K/Ds and a couple other maps(i really like silk road its exempt) but outside of that the game just feels like it was missing something the whole time.

    Thats where BF2042 comes in. Now yes the beta is a laggy and uncomfortable to get used to for the first hour I agree with you all on a lot of your gripes. Once I got used to the mechanics and specialist traits, using my pad to call in a jeep so I don't have to walk 500mi to get to an objective to die. Being able to see with my own eyes the vehicle respawn time. Changing my weapons for the tactical situation I am in now and I was having a blast. The game looks beautiful on max settings, it sounds incredible with better audio mapping. I agree it feels more cod like with the sliding but we have been hopping into crowds mowing them down bhopping the whole time for years now and that feels cod like to me. I just think BF2042 plays and looks like a breath of fresh air to a tired and old BF4 game and not terrible. Of course this is my opinion and yours can complete differ which is great! This community is great and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Even_Degree2787
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    Important Question

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    Guys the game is on sale for 4 dollars and I never played bf4 on pc before only played it on my ps3 so is the game still alive? I'm considering buying it

    submitted by /u/Gh0st8000
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    Relevant opinion

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    [Poll] Is this game super sweaty?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    I'm considering getting this game, but I'm worried whether this game will be filled with too many try-hards or not. The closest game I've played to this is Phantom Forces and that game has way too many sweats, but I think BF4 will have less because it doesn't have super speedy movement, am I correct?

    What do you think?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ultraseis
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    Going back to BF4 after playing COD Hero shooter 2042 be like

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Almost made me want to unfavorite the server

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 04:45 PM PDT

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