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    Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    Battlefield 4 C4 attached to a quads bike has arrived

    Battlefield 4 C4 attached to a quads bike has arrived

    C4 attached to a quads bike has arrived

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Apologies if this breaks the rules

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Help grow my server, we’re grinding everyday until battlefield 2042!! No rules! 420 GAMEZ BLAZE IT UP! Come chill and game

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    BF4 Secret reload

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    SRAW AA.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Oblivious squad gets the stabby

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    My new players guide to assault rifles

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Due to the influx in players joining us in battlefield 4 from the hype of battlefield 2042, I figured I would make up a quick guide for the assault rifles.

    To start: the Jack of all, master of none -- otherwise known as the "Three Amigos" so dubbed by Darthvada. If you don't want to stress about specializing to a specific niche or learn a more difficult-to-manage weapon, these three are for you. They are the M416, L85A2, and ACE 23.

    The ACE 23 is, in my humble opinion, the most "Jack of all Trades" weapon in the game. This is due to its competitive rate of fire, larger than average magazine size of 35+1, and it's other average stats make this gun a solid pick.

    The M416 cashes in the bigger mag and faster rate of fire for a more accurate rifle with a blazing fast reload speed!

    Finally, the L85A2, due to its bulpup design, has better hip fire and reduced penalties while firing on the move but slower reload than the ACE 23 and M416. These characteristics make the L85A2 better for new players or those who like to strafe and shoot. Just think before you reload!

    Last of our "All Rounders" is the heavy hitting SCAR-H! With the SCAR you will be running a smaller magazine, 20+1, and dealing with heavy vertical recoil, but you will also get heavy damage per shot and a super fast reload speed!

    Next we'll move on to your close quarters junkies.

    Let's begin with the FAMAS. If you've ever wanted to melt someone's face, well here you go!! Blazing fast rounds per minute and heavy recoil all around. This comes with a reduced magazine size, 25+1, and slow reload. But, due to the weapons design, it also comes with better hip fire and low penalties to moving while shooting.

    Next in close quarters is the Bulldog. It's similar to the FAMAS in bonuses to fighting on-the-move and also has a reduced magazine, 20+1, with the same damage model as the SCAR H!

    Last of the bulpup close-quarter assault rifles is the F2000. This assault rifle trades in the dps of the FAMAS and Bulldog for more versatility. It also comes with more manageable recoil and a full magazine, 30+1.

    And finally, every sweatlord's dream, AEK-971! The AEK trades in the on-the-move capabilities of the before-mentioned cqc weapons for a faster (but still not great) reload speed. The dps of this weapon is solid and it's other stats are good as well! This thing is a beast!

    Then for those less-dripping-with-sweat, you have your mid-range assault rifles.

    Let's begin with a the AUG A3, the king of bullet velocity. With this gun, hitting moving targets at-range is a breeze. Combine this with a moderate fire rate, decent recoil and bonuses to movement and hip fire makes this weapon surprisingly well-rounded.

    Next is the AR160! It's super accurate at mid-range. If you like the SCAR-H, you will like this one as it has same recoil pattern. But, unlike SCAR, it has a faster rate of fire, standard damage model, and a standard magazine!

    The M16A4 is a burst or semi-auto assault rifle. This one has a learning curve to master: bursting without jamming. However, due to the burst mechanic, the first shot recoil applies to the last shot of the burst meaning the first two shots should be stupid accurate! This gun also has the fastest reload of all assault rifles.

    The CZ805 is kind of a mixed bag. It's very accurate, however, it has slightly higher rate of fire than other mid-range rifles and higher recoil as well which makes the accuracy hard to capitalize on.

    The final assault rifles are still mid range weapons but they cater to new players, particularly those who struggle dealing with recoil!

    Let's begin with the SAR 21. this gun is a laser! Virtually no recoil, decent bullet velocity, plus it's a bulpup so it won't hurt as much if you strafe while firing! Just watch the long reload.

    Next the good (or should I day not so good) old AK12. All that really can be said is it's easy to use and is super accurate. The AK12's dps is not good, this weapon, like most in this section, is best used on flank routes and focusing on head shots to deal with close quarters threats.

    The QBZ-95-1 has similar stats to the AUG and the SAR 21 due to its bulpup design, but brings little to the table when compared to those weapons.

    Lastly, the AN-94, is a gem! In automatic fire, this gun behaves similar to the SAR 21: slow and accurate. But, turn it to burst fire and you have a two shot bursting little monster! These bursts are incredibly accurate and if you master the burst mechanic it's surprising how quickly you can smoke an enemy in close quarters as well!

    I hope this helps out some of my assault brothers, and if I missed anything or you think I was wrong about a weapon let me know! Good luck out there

    submitted by /u/Aiteus147
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    This one was like 25minutes ago

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Accidentally tapped my grenade launcher and panicked…perfect.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Turning off spot/attack object is found in the advanced options

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:54 AM PDT


    Turn ON/OFF to set attack/defend orders by simply pressing Q. If set to off, it requires you to hold Q and then select attack/defend.

    submitted by /u/I_AM_YOUR_DADDY_AMA
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    After the OVH and Amazon servers fire hazards, DICE decides to host its servers on Mars

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    I got banned without any reason

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    I was playing on SiC server (dragon valley, hardcore). Tried to join today and I'm banned from all sic Servers :/ any idea why?! I don't cheat or abuse

    submitted by /u/Da_King_Aladeen
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    My only in battlefield moment of the day ��

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I would like to thank all the new players on BF4 who do not know what the engineer kit is, or how to use it.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:21 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    When all else fails, we go back to basics.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Top Fragging with my BIG IRON

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Channeling my inner John Wayne in this one boys

    submitted by /u/TheBeeEmperor
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    Phantom activation

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Can someone tell me how to get to leaderboards, cause I'm not seeing it anywhere for phantom. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/--DoReFuckMi--
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    Lost Islands TDM TYPE 95B-1 Chaos Field 64 People

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    What game has the closest gunplay to BF4?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    Definitely my favorite part of this game is the gunplay. There's no greater joy for me than beaming a dude with a high recoil, high damage weapon at medium distances. Since BF4 died down in popularity, I've tried plenty of other games. Battlefront 2, Apex Legends, Titanfall 2, Valorant, a little bit of Modern Warfare. But I keep coming back to BF4, because none of them ever felt better.

    So are there any games that have similar gunplay to BF4? I'd love to give them a try.

    (If you have thoughts about BFV go ahead, I've never played and I'm curious how the gunplay matches up to BF4)

    submitted by /u/H00PLAx1073m
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    As a new player, this game is hard as fuck

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    The amount of effort it takes to not fucking die is bigger than Donald trump's ego.

    submitted by /u/Iamatwitthat
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    Quick question.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    Hey all. Should i use the m249 or the aws? yeah thats all i have to ask.

    submitted by /u/xwel55
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    Am I meant to have this scope???

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:04 PM PDT

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