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    Friday, June 12, 2020

    Battlefield [Other] Battlefield Returns to Steam – Official Trailer

    Battlefield [Other] Battlefield Returns to Steam – Official Trailer

    [Other] Battlefield Returns to Steam – Official Trailer

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    [BF1] I swear this always li happens to me

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    [BF3] BF3 is now avalaible on Steam.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    [BF4] Suffering has never been so fun!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    [BF1] I accidentally found this while roaming an empty rush server. Has this been found before?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    [BF4]My battlefield experience.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    [BF4] Everywhere I go I see her face

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    [BF4] This Does Put a Smile on My Face.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    [other] Hear me out .... FUTURISTIC !

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I LIVE DICE, my childhood was battlefield. I have countless hours in many of the Battlefield games. This is an opinion, mine to be exact. I am not an expert nor game developer. I have much love for Battlefield and all it is, controversial but ... I loved Hardline. THERE I SAID IT ! BITE ME ! Below are my opinions, feel free to comment feedback as I would much appreciate it and let's be civil. Thank you.

    Sometimes the best way is forward. Now with that in mind let's continue forward thinking to a better a more bold, a more risky yes, but more rare and potentially rewarding Battlefield. Why futuristic you ask ? Well let's take a look at the more recent games that are battlefield. BF1 (WW1) very impressive, intense and overall enjoyable. Empty maps, slow gameplay and limited creativity. I am not saying they are not creative, I am just saying they are forced to follow strict timelines, events and settings. Cough cough BFV, we won't be getting into that one, but let's just say it's difficult to innovate when the setting is set in stone.

    The future is near. Let's mention the absolute biggest comeback in the history of gaming as far as I am aware and anyone chasing childhood nostalgia. SWBF2 (2017). Why mention this ex abomination ? Because, with an unbalanced launch and payment mechanisms which meant if you want to get good, get a job. Forced DICE to show their true potential.

    Updates are their power armour. Since the controversy and already low with quickly dropping player count, updates would not be the saviour but the rewind button. All those who left returned and all those leaving tightened their grip and doubled down of their hopes of the saving grace that was DICE. With each trailer, with each new hero introduction, map displayed, game modes and more. This showed that DICE can be creative and balance a setting in the future very well. Star Wars Battlefromt 2 became more than just nostalgia. It became a game with player counts up to the stars. It was a battlefield game set in a Star Wars universe.

    Back on the battlefield. BF2143 to be exact. Set in the future, game modes as far as the the menu screen could display and creations future developers would take and create futuristic success. Why not revisit such a game ? Because Call Of Duty over saturated the market ? Perhaps. This is DICE. 21423 would be revolutionary. New engine, unlimited limits for the developers to create any weapons, any vehicles, any maps and we were so close, you were almost playing 2143, as if it were a demo on their new engine. we had a glimpse... final stand.

    Let's recap. DICE, extremely talented team of people... problem is they aren't able to risk such a bold approach, not just yet, but hopefully in the future they will. They have shown they can put love and care into their games regardless of negative attitudes and still listen to their audience. Futuristic settings allow for more creativity and fun while keeping core game mechanics there. They proved this in final stand for BF4. Updates would be content rich and create hours worth of rewardable content as shown in SWBF2 (2017). The perfect game we all deserve is future. Battlefield is future.

    Thank you for reading, I am a big fan of the franchise. Don't judge ... BFH was awesome. Sorry for terrible English and maybe getting lost here and there along the way. Thanks DICE for the childhood.

    submitted by /u/NoEyesFlyer
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    [BF1] Rip and Tear till it is done

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    [BF] Battlefield shouldn't require Origin when playing on steam

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I mean what's the point of buying it on steam when you need to have Origin always running ? It should Authenticate through steam only. It feels as if I bought the game on origin and added it to my steam library.

    This trend of multiple launchers is BS imo. Games should only use the launcher they are being launched from. Anyone else agrees with all Battlefield and EA games shouldn't require having Origin if you are playing through steam ?

    submitted by /u/xFate96
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    [Poll] Which Battlefield should I get?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    A poll about which Battlefield with a modern setting should I get

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/steve09089
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    [Other] Which Battlefield had the best maps?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    In a overall sense, creatively and gameplay-wise. Including DLC.

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    submitted by /u/Turbojet0
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    [Battlefield 3] - I bought it on STEAM but all this Origin fvckxry is horrendous. No matter what I do, this is what I get when starting the game. Nothing happens afterwards. Why sell a game on STEAM if you crossfvxk your launcher into it? We'll never know.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    [BF] Awesome new trailer for the return to Steam

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    [Other] [Other] Which battlefield game should I buy now?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Which battlefield game should I buy now?

    As I'm new in Battlefield community so I'm confused about whom should I buy. Any help is appreciated.

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    submitted by /u/N0TAllMight
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    [Other] Any way of getting my Bf games on Steam?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I already bought most of them on them on the Origin platform and I'd love to have them on Steam as well. Is there a binding account thing or something?

    submitted by /u/dadybosma
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    [BF3] For those experiencing DirectX crashes, try doing this

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    So I've spent like 2 hours trying to fix constant "DirectX" crashes every 10-15 minutes, and I did the following and so far have enjoyed 3 straight hours without crashes. Number 5 is the one that officially made it work but you can try the other 4 things I did if #5 doesn't work

    1. Try browsing for games through Internet Explorer instead of Firefox (not joking)
    2. Turn off overclocking on your PC
    3. Install Punkbuster directly from the site instead of through Steam
    4. Install newest video card drivers
    5. RUN THE GAME IN WINDOWED MODE, annoying I know but it's better than having the game crash.
    submitted by /u/-___-___-__-___-___-
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    [BF4] Rambo Mod On (#16) #M60E4 (ft.V4Clan,CoreClan,Amonlaw,Tr-tiriniti,ICELAKE)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    [Other] I recently realized $11 is the most I've ever spent on a battlefield game

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    So I didn't intentionally do this, and battlefield is one of my favorite shooter franchises, but I recently just realized that I haven't exactly spent a ton of money on it over the years.

    So, around the summer of 2014 I was at a local game shop and saw Battlefield 3 for around $5. I'd never played a game in the franchise, but I'd heard a lot of people liked it. I knew the game was old and figured the online would be dead since it was so cheap, but figured the campaign would be fun so I picked it up. Not only was the campaign great, but to my surprise the multiplayer modes were still extremely active, and I had a blast playing it.

    About a year or so later, I had upgraded to an Xbox one and was in the same game shop, and I found battlefield 4 for $10. I liked the last one, so I picked it up and again had a blast playing it.

    In 2016, Battlefield 1 was on my radar, but I was a broke college student with not a ton of time to play games, so I ended up missing it.

    Fast forward to winter 2018, Battlefield V is on my radar but is getting mixed reviews, and I'm playing Red Dead Redemption 2, which has a ton of content. So I'm hesitant to get 5, and low and behold in October Battlefield 1 is free for Xbox live members. I figured I'd just play that since I missed out on it, and, once again, I had a blast playing it.

    Fast forward to about a week ago. I'm looking through the Xbox Sale, and Battlefield V is on sale for $11. I decided "why not," bought it, and, once again, I'm having a blast playing it!

    I'll planning on buying Battlefield 6 at full price when it comes out, nut part of me has this feeling I'll end up missing again for some reason I might end up missing it again for some reason and get it on sale. Moral to the story, if you're on a budget, Battlefield is the franchise for you because it has a ton of content and goes on sale rather often.

    submitted by /u/CandyBoBandDandy
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    [BFV] Historically accurate execution

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    [BF3] PSA for new owners who can’t load into any games

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I saw a LOT of reviews saying they were getting this waiting to leave server message that wouldn't let them play, happened to me too, I was trying to run battlelog through chrome. I switched to Edge and it's been fine, my friends ran into the same problem

    submitted by /u/eviltj97
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    [BF6] Discussion about ideas for the next battlefield assuming modern/near future setting.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    With the Battlefield 6 rumour mill in full flow, I have been thinking about what interesting features might be included in the next game.

    Not talking about the technical aspects but more gadgets/game modes/new features attachments. Some of them Dice have done/planned to do and there are some that are a bit far fetched.

    1. I had an idea for a game mode that's called "All out war" and the idea is to have some kind of frontlines/conquest over a huge map (a BR sized map). It could be 200 Vs 200 or more. Or it could stick to 32 Vs 32 but if you win your game, you face an opponent who also won their game. Or something along those lines. A game could last hours and each new round you'd feel like it has a wider impact. If it were 200 Vs 200, vehicles would have a very different and interesting role. Higher player number servers might not be possible of current gen consoles so that could part of the limited feature thing that was mentioned by a leak.

    2. Directed EMP. Works like the fliegerfaust. Doesn't directly damage vehicles but it turns all the flight controls and vehicle HUD off for a short time. Would be great to combat attack helis with. Using in combo with an RPG.

    3. Laser spotting ground targets. For planes using a laser guided, engineers can laser designate a spot to shoot it. Could be good to take down enemy cover and gives better connection between ground and air.

    4. Laser shotgun. As a prototype gun, used at extremely close range and shoots lasers extremely in accurately. Would be amazing at crowd clearing.

    5. Recon drone. Instead of the BF4 thing (can't remember what it's called)

    6. Canted RDS

    7. A new commander system awarded to the person who finished highest of the team in the previous round. If they aren't performing well, the team can vote them out. Are able to call in cruise missiles and give team orders.

    8. A return to class outfits

    9. No more stingers or passive radar on vehicles.

    10. Metro 2021

    11. Tracking dart (loved using them in bc2)

    12. Crash landings

    13. Dragging downed soldiers

    14. Engineer crates that drop single use rocket launchers for other people to use.

    15. Grappling hook

    16. Zip line

    17. Sticky pads to quickly hide above someone on a ceiling, can't use weapons when you're up there.

    18. Jet choices. Since nowadays China and Russia both have some f-35's and America has su-50's, give each of them different flying attributes and you can choose between them.

    19. No automatic base AA. Use mannable surface to air missile systems.

    20. Camouflage that is only active whilst stationary and needs to recharge after use. Can be countered with EMP grenades, spotting or ir scopes

    21. Some of these, like the grappling hook and camouflage could be for a new class focused on stealth.

    Let me know what you think about any of these and add any other ideas in the comments.

    submitted by /u/LouisWorth
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    [BF4] Are BF4 and BF1 still active on playstation?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I was level 140 and played BF4 a ton ages ago but haven't had a PS4 for 2 years. Playing BF1 and BF4 again would definitely get me to pick up a PS5 when it's available.


    submitted by /u/sharktopusx
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