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    Battlefield 3 TANK RAMPAGE | Battlefield 3 Steam Gameplay (2020)

    Battlefield 3 TANK RAMPAGE | Battlefield 3 Steam Gameplay (2020)

    TANK RAMPAGE | Battlefield 3 Steam Gameplay (2020)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    The biggest problem of Battlefield 3 [Read before you buy]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I've been playing this game since 2012 June and I can confirm that the biggest problem of battlefield 3 is the BADMINS. They are so toxic that they will make you uninstall the game. I'm personally an infantry metro player as it was the only map that my fps would let me play. I can't play on TDM servers because my KD is too high for the server (the KD limit is 4 and I have +5). They ban you because you killed them or ruin their game or their farm. If you're an average FPS shooter gamer, you will get banned immediately because you will probably play better than admin. Those BADMINS won't let you play the game and won't let you have fun.

    Edit1: Imagine you're banned and recording a mousecam video in a different server and you're getting banned while recording ''clear footage''. This has happened to me.

    submitted by /u/hanyuma
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    Support Class and LMGs are Godly and You are a FOOL if You Disagree!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I see it said on servers a LOT, and on this sub as well. "LMGs literally suck so bad", "Support is trash, just don't use it". People seem to love to hate on the support class and I wanted to clear up these misconceptions right away so all of the new players don't get the wrong idea about this wonderful game. The main idea here is that this is not a CoD game, and running + gunning is not how you win games in Battlefield. This notion will be supported as I work through the various pieces of equipment available to Support players, ad how they can be used most effectively.

    1. THE LMG The bread and butter of your defensive role as a support player, and the type of weapon players really seem to hate. I figure that's because they try to run and gun with them, and only deploy the bipod when they see an enemy. If you do this, you will already be suppressed when you get set up and your accuracy will be shit. Instead, you want to find a well fortified position where you can set up to either stop the enemy from advancing, or suppress the enemy so your team can advance. Suppression wrecks accuracy, so doling out a suppression penalty to the entire enemy front will give your team a huge advantage. There's no reason not to go for as many kills as possible, but you should use your huge ammo reserve to keep the pressure on even when the enemy is behind cover or moving through smoke.

    Defending an area is not limited to Defense on Rush. Lets say your team has the flag advantage in Conquest, or has just capped the D point, allowing them access to the Gunship. You'll want to defend those areas to help your team win; Conquest is not all about running from flag to flag to flag to flag...

    But what if I get bored sitting in a defensive position all game?

    Worry not, there's plenty to do in your down-time. Which brings us to:

    2. C4, MOTHERFUCKER C4 is fucking awesome and if you've ever gotten a single kill with it, I don't have to tell you why. Contrary to popular opinion, C4 is not best used to chase down a LAV just to try and plant 3 bricks of C4 on it and run away to detonate before the enemy inevitably mows you down. No. Anticipate the enemy. When you find yourself with downtime in your defensive areas (and it is not appropriate to move up with your squad), you can briefly leave your position to run into the area you are defending, and place several bricks of C4, spread out all over the area to ensure you get at least a kill or two when you press that button. I like to go for 3 groups of 2, usually behind cover that the enemy might use to evade my LMG's rain of death. Out of the frying pan, into the fire, baby. I also do this every time I lose a base as a Rush defender; lay down several patches of C4 on my retreat, blow up half the enemy team when the advance en masse.

    Claymores lack the killing potential of C4 and are much easier to spot because they have to go on flat ground. No thanks.

    You can also use the mortar in some limited scenarios, like attacking in rush. The smoke is good to get your team in, and the HE rounds are alright for defending an armed MCOM. But defensively, your time is best spend shooting, spotting , suppressing, and...

    3. RESUPPLY KIT Points, points, points. Toss one of these things down in a crowded chokepoint and you'll get all the points you need. But points aren't everything, and you can use a bit more tact than that. Of course, Colonel DickFuck needs rounds for his 100 star M16A3, but ammo for assault players is honestly the least of your worries. The resupply kit has like a 5 sec cooldown, so you should obviously give it to them if they ask, but its not a priority. Instead focus on equipment. Equipment is what gives the classes their special powers, and if your team is playing together well, they'll need lots of it. Your resupply kit is what gives the Recons more SOFLAMs, TUGs, and MAVs to spot the enemy and designate targets (for the love of god, Recons, please use the SOFLAM). Your resupply kit is what gives the engineers more rockets to shoot at the tanks rolling straight at your position. Your ressuply kit is what gives you moar bullets and C4 and if you've employing the strategies listed above you should needs lots of them. Basically, make sure you support all of the class roles on your team, and then worry about ammo. The games gives you tons of that.

    And that's pretty much what I've got. I guess people consider support a noob class because the guns lend well toward spraying and praying, and defending a position is often seen as camping. But ya know what? Fuck people who think that. Battlefield isn't all about sprinting from place to place to mow down the enemy with the same assault rifle that everyone is using. Defense is necessary to thwart people who do that. You know your team has enough medics, why not try support every now and then? Thanks for reading, I'll see you on the battlefield!

    submitted by /u/the_8th_dwarf
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    Hit up West Coast Warriors for Domination Variants, and a Chance to Unlock the Crossbow if the Server Proves to be Popular!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Really really wanting anyone on PC in NA to play this server for a bit. I don't own the server, but it's the only one that provides a chance to unlock nearly everything that's usually difficult to do so, and I don't know how long it'll be up.

    It runs variants of Domination and Gun Master right now, but Scavenger may be added later, as said above, if it proves to be popular.

    Thanks y'all,


    submitted by /u/ECofNash
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    THE BEST RUSH MAP | Battlefield 3 Steam Gameplay (2020)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Can't Play multiplayer!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT


    I bought BF3 with the offer of 75% on STEAM, yet I can't see the multiplayer on the menu. I don't know what is the issue? Can someone help me out?

    submitted by /u/mat3ani
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    RAPID | Battlefield 3 Steam Gameplay (2020)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Karkand gameplay.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Endless Multiplayer Login PC Steam Edition

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I had recently purchased BF3 and wanted to hop into some Multiplayer. But when I finally get around to choosing my Server it just doesn't load the map. I've tried unchecking Enable Origin In Game, I've also ran the game the web browser as well and I've tried repairing my game files, updating drivers, restarting computer and reinstalling the game. all have failed! is any one else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/Adamtriqs
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    Loadout: M98B IRNV Scope The Inside Crossair Is Really Good ! 24-7

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:34 AM PDT

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