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    Wednesday, December 1, 2021

    Battlefield My first triple collateral, wanted to share with you guys

    Battlefield My first triple collateral, wanted to share with you guys

    My first triple collateral, wanted to share with you guys

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I'll take "What the fuck was that?!" For $500, please Alex.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:54 AM PST

    Battlefield server, anyone getting kicked off ? Or server error?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:10 PM PST

    Battlefield 2042: An All-Out-Warfare Overhaul

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 12:05 PM PST

    Battlefield 2042 truly has so much potential; more so than possibly any Battlefield to date. Those "Battlefield Moments" really do happen more so than in another of Battlefield I've played. When it works, it works phenomenally. The disappointing part is that it could be so so much more.

    All-Out-Warfare (conquest and such) has been Battlefield's staple game type as a franchise. This is what most people should be playing for the core experience. Hazard Zone is meant to be a special mode that changes the formula up a bit. While Portal is meant to be a custom games type of mode for Battlefield (which is actually amazing and hope it grows massively in time).

    This post will focus mainly on All-Out-Warfare, and a very little bit on Hazard Zone in relation to the changes I suggest in All-Out-Warfare. Hazard Zone and Portal are already pretty well off. Although they could use more content but that will come later down the line.

    The post will focus on converting the Specialist System of all out Warfare to the Class System of older games, while still maintaining its uniqueness specialists brought and differences in Hazard Zone. It will offer 3 suggestions on the system which will differ slightly in their own

    Classes and Specialists

    Classes have been a staple in the Battlefield series since the start. The class system essentially divided the weapons, gadgets and gear (amongst other things) into 4-7 roles depending on the game. This allowed for many things. For one, it helped balance the game. Making sure that certain weapon types couldn't be used with certain gadgets helped ensure a balanced experience. You wouldn't want a sniper with an ammo crate because they'd never relocate to get ammo.

    In BF2042, we have a new system utilizing Specialists. Many already know what the Specialists are but they are essentially Hero type classes, each with their own unique ability and special gadget. Sundance has a wingsuit and a special grenade while Dozer has a shield and takes less blast damage. This system does allow for overall more freedom to the game, but that comes with its own cost and cons that frankly, I believe are worse for the Battlefield formula as a whole.

    For starters, there is very little sense of balance and role identity. As mentioned before, it doesn't matter what weapon you run as you can still run whatever gadget you want. This essentially leads to everyone picking the best weapon and best gadget depending on the current meta. Previously with the Class System, there was a different weapon to use for each class and gadgets associated with each class. There was more than just one gun showing up on the killfeed. Different guns had different uses as well. Furthermore, there was gadget variety.

    In terms of role identity, there is almost none of that now. Sure, you can look at a teammate, see what specialist they are and say oh they have a wingsuit, but how does that benefit teamplay. In previous Battlefields, you would see a support and know they probably had an ammo box, or a medic and know they probably had a med bag. There is none of that now. In addition, it is very jarring to see 10+ McKays and 20 Sundances all running in the same direction. It's immersion breaking for All-Out-Warfare but works much better in Hazard Zone.

    So what can be done? Many of the specialist gadgets actually work pretty well and are very fun to use in-game. I have a lot of fun using Navin Rao and a launcher, being an anti-vehicle type player. I also enjoy running Dozer to take all the fire while a teammate is behind me. But the above problems still stand even with this. So again, what can be done?

    Transitioning to a Class System

    Transitioning to a Class base system is the best thing for All-Out-Warfare. AOW was always about being a basic soldier on the frontlines. Specialist not only do away with that idea but reduce immersion and teamwork by having multiple of the same individual that can run anything.

    As of right now there are 10 specialists and 4 person squads. I suggest changing it to 5 person squads and having 5 different classes to choose from. Having 5 squads and 5 classes means that there is no overlap in classes in full squads like there was in Battlefield 4.

    Furthermore, there are some specialist's gadget's that don't really fit in the basic 4 classes (Assault, Medic, Support and Recon), so an additional fifth class would be developed for the outliers. This class would be the return of the Spec Ops class from Battlefield 2. This class specialized in flanking and otherwise stealth or otherwise unique gameplay. All in all, we would have Assault, Medic, Spec Ops, Support and Recon.

    What I'll be doing is taking everything from weapons, to specialist's gadget's and passives to regular gadget's and assorting them into the 5 classes. This should allow a more clear indication of what someone has and what you are possibly going up against when you see an enemy. You won't see an enemy anymore and not sure if they have an AR or SMG anymore. In addition, specialists passives/traits will also be arranged into these classes and are no longer tied down to a certain specialist. You could use McKay's Nimble with Dozer's Blast shield if you wanted. I will also be bringing back some other passives/traits from other games in order to flesh out the classes. Battlefield 2042 is unfortunately very barebones in terms of components to organize; at least these traits have been used in prior games and we know how they would probably function to a degree.

    Let's start off with:


    The assault class is going to be the highly mobile frontline and breacher based class. This class will have access to Assault Rifles and Rocket Launchers (like in Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V). This class is designed to open up pathways and clear out enemy vehicles and dug in areas.


    • Grapple Hook (McKay): Launch a grapple hook that will pull you to anything it latches onto.
      • McKay's Grapple Hook is one of the most mobile units available in 2042, second only to Sundance in the air. The grapple hook will allow assault players to get to high ground to have better access to air vehicles and a better angle at ground based vehicles. It will also give them the mobility to attack strategic objectives from all sorts of angles.
    • Ballistic Shield (Dozer): Deploy a ballistic shield that allows you to sustain heavy fire and remain protected.
      • Dozer's ballistic shield is perfect for assaulting capture points and breach points with a squad. The shield has had some issues and for sure needs some tuning but I believe it would work very well for the assault class. He is even listed as an Assault specialist. He could work as a Support unit but, the two specialist's I have there for a bit better.


    • Recoilless M5: A direct fire rocket launcher that excels at breaching walls and armor.
      • This would be the main gadget for the Assault. Breaching with a rocket launcher and taking out ground vehicles would be the main role of assault. Clearing out grouped up infantry would also be possible.
    • FXM-33 AA Missile: A lock-on rocket launcher specifically designed to take on aircraft.
      • This would be for those who want to be Anti-Air and rely less on breaching, possibly handing it over to another role or using grenades. Assaults that don't want to use this would have to rely on another class to mark aircraft to use the Recoilless.


    • Nimble (McKay): Move faster while Aiming and on Ziplines.
      • This will be very beneficial for the Assault class as the breach and clear. Breach, get in and take out the enemy.
    • Veteran (Irish): Spawn in with armor and also have additional armor
      • This trait comes from the specialist Irish and will be valuable to the assault class. Being in the middle of every fight, you'll find having additional armor to be a godsend.
    • Destroyer (Battlefield V): Spotted vehicles will paint the weak point of the armor that will yield a critical hit when hit.
      • For the assaults that want to do nothing more than take on enemy craft. Spot it and either shoot at it wish anti-material rounds or a launcher and deal more damage to that vehicle.


    Medics are meant to be on the front lines along with assault. They are supposed to keep their Allie's healthy and alive. Everyone can revive, but medics are the only class that can revive to full health and are the only class that has the ability to revive instantly (after a short charge). Furthermore, players can run up to the medic for a First Aid Kit and heal themselves if they don't have anything (as they could in Battlefield 5). Medics use SMGs seeing as they want to be mobile to get to people and are gonna be in the middle of firefights getting to downed allies.

    With the medic class comes a little bit if a change to receiving as a whole:

    • Every class now has the ability to revive IN THEIR SQUAD, and will revive at 50% health. This will take several seconds.
    • The medic class can revive any ally, cuts revive time down by 50% and revives at 75% health.

    Medics are gonna be the best at reviving and now they are, similar to Battlefield 5. I didn't want to give them the ability to outright heal to 100% on revive, as one of their abilities and gadgets will allow that.


    • S21 Syrette Pistol (Falck): A pistol that shoots out syringes with a variety of drugs to rapidly restore flesh and repair damage to the body.
      • This is obviously gonna be an ability for the Medic class, but as of right now the Syrette Pistol is lacking. The pistol would be changed to instantly give the target (you or an ally) 25 health and a quicker health regen after a 1 second delay. This regen would be faster than the Medical Crate and First Aid Kit. This should be monitored as it has the ability to be very overpowered and annoying to fight against. Being in a fight with a medic and winning, only to have them take cover and gain 25 health and win wouldn't be fun to fight against. The 1 second delay is an attempt to make sure this doesn't happen. I would implement the pistol without the delay at first, but if it becomes a problem, then implement the delay.
    • XR10 Defib Unit (New): Revive your allies at a distance.
      • The XR100 Defib Unit is a ranged revive. It would be a pistol like the S21 that fires out a dart that would send a charge to the target after a short delay and revive them at 50% health. At first I wanted to make the initial revive higher, but with something like this, it would be better to start small. I also played around with the idea of having it be like a tazer where it would send out a dart with a line attached to it so that it could retract and have a recharge time. I don't think that would be too powerful.


    • Medical Crate: Restore health to all nearby allies.
      • Self explanatory. Throw it down, allies crowd around it and regen health.
    • Syringe: A syringe filled with adrenaline and other drugs. Hold in hand and inject into shoulder to instantly revive someone to full health. Alternatively, use on self for a quick boost to health and speed.
      • This is going to be how the medic revives allies to full health. Using the syringe will allow a quick revive (2 seconds) at full health. The trade off is that you are putting yourself in harms way to achieve it. That's why the XR10 isn't a full revive; you can safely do it. You also have the ability to use it on yourself while you are NOT down. Doing so will start regen after a short delay and give you a 10% speed boost for 5 seconds. Medics have access to SMGs which is a highly mobile gun, the speed boost will give them the most out of it to possibly clear out a room and revive fallen allies.


    • Combat Medic (Battlefield V): While reviving you take 15% less damage. While taking fire, running towards a downed squad mate or calling out to any downed ally will give you a 15% speed boost (does not stack).
      • Being a medic, one of your primary goals is to keep your team up. Taking less damage while reviving and being able to get to allies quickly is crucial. This trait focuses on that.
    • Field Surgeon: Reviving near a Medical Crate will speed up revives and immediately start health regen. Reviving near an Armor crate will immediately give ally armor upon revive.
      • The Field Surgeon trait allows your revives to give additional benefits depending on what's around you. Allows you to either speed up your revive or allow som synergy with the support class.

    Spec Ops

    The Spec Ops Class returns from Battlefield 2. This class is meant to be stealthy and flank enemy lines. The abilities, gadgets and traits will be centered around effectively flanking and causing chaos when they do. They are outfitted with Carbines like the Engineer was in Battlefield 3.


    • Grenade Belt (Sundance): Gives you access to multiple grenades you can swap to at once.
      • Gives you access to multiple grenades at once. I'd prefer if they updated this to go the route Advanced Warfare did and have it cycle between grenades instead of having a whole new grenade. I'd also add the smoke grenade to the mix to give it a bit more utility and stealth component.
    • Cyber Warfare Suit (Rao): Hack in to enemies, vehicles or objects in the field. Disabling and activating/deactivating. Shape the Battlefield to your will.
      • You don't get more Spec Ops than a cyber hacking suit. Being able to get behind enemy lines and hack equipment and vehicles and people could help your team get that final push towards the objective. I'd also combine the Trojan Network trait with this ability to fully flesh it out; it should be apart of the base ability anyway.


    • C5 Explosive: An explosive charge that sticks to the target. Remote detonated.
      • Basic C5. Using the Wingsuit, you can get on vehicles or drop it over enemy encampments.
    • Insertion Beacon: Deploy this beacon to give your team (or just your squad if team is too powerful) an alternate respawn pointy.
      • Being the flanking and stealth class, it would make sense to give them the IB in order to allow friendlies to spawn behind the enemy and possibly begin a pincer attack. It fits the Spec Ops class more than the Recon as it will be used more often for front or behind line spawning, rather than on top of a tower.


    • Wingsuit (Sundance): Replaces your parachute with a low-profile wingsuit.
      • Everyone knows what it is. Allows for quick low-profile in-air travel. I thought about making this the ability and the Grenade Belt as the Trait; allowing you to replace your grenade with the grenade belt and select what grenades you bring with you. Either one could work. Doing the second option would also give the Spec Ops access to the parachute if the need ever arises that you need it.
    • Assassin: Suppressors no longer give a range penalty. Shooting enemies in the back does 20% extra damage.
      • I know this might seem a bit broken, but it could always be changed or nerfed a bit.
    • Stealth Ops: Footsteps are quieter. Faster movement while crouched.
      • If Crouch run ever came back, the faster movement wouldn't affect it. It would just be for crouched walking.


    The Support class has been around for many games and shouldn't really be news to anyone. They use Light Machine Guns as they always have. Main Objective: Keep your allies supplied and fortify objectives. The abilities as well as gadgets that the Support Class has access to will help you achieve this goal and make you unmoveable. Like the Medic, players can go up to any support and get an ammo pack like in Battlefield 5.


    • Fortifications (Irish): Set down Deployable cover and/or a Sentinel to take out enemy ordinance.
      • Irish's ability makes setting up defenses on an objective or choke point easy. Set down a one or two shields and/or a Sentinel and you can really get dug into an objective.
    • SG-36 (Boris): Set down a Sentry Gun that will look fire and fire at enemies.
      • The remote sentry gun is perfect for the support class. When you are trying to fortify a position, having the sentry gun be there is a huge asset. If you have two supports on your team, using the sentry gun in tandem with the deployable cover would lead to some great synergy.
    • Loadout Crate (Angel): Deploy a loadout crate that allows allies to change their loadout. Does not allow allies to change classes, but will allow them to change abilities, gadgets and traits as well as weapons. No longer resupplies ammo and armor.
      • Angel's ability is great for the support class. It did a little bit too much in the fact that it resupplied ammo and armor. That function has been moved to the resupply boxes in the supports gadgets. Now the loadout crate allows you to change your load out and everything within your class.


    • Ammo Box: Set down an ammo box for you your teammates that resupplies ammo and grenades (at a long cooldown for grenades).
      • Self explanatory. Set it down, restore ammo to teammates.
    • Armor Box (New): Set down an armor box for you and your teammates that resupplies armor.
      • Very much like the warzone armor box or Rook's ability in Rainbow Six Siege. This gadget will give your allies armor. If the assault class is running the Veteran trait, it will give them a bit more armor.


    • Blast Resistance (Dozer): Take reduced blast damage.
      • This could've either gone to the assault class or the support class. I chose the support class because seeing as they are going to be fortifying objectives and choke points, or just resupplying the team; they'd probably be bombarded a lot by grenades. I also didn't want to give it to assault so they couldn't just shoot a rocket at their legs and possibly survive.
    • Drone Link (Boris Alternative): Drones under your command will spot enemies for you.
      • Boris' original trait just made his turret spot enemies, which felt like it should've just been apart of the turret as a base. Now ANY drone (such as the Ranger) will spot enemies for you. This includes any other drone they release.


    The Recon class has a few roles. Reconnaissance and long range support. Recons are outfitted with Sniper Rifles. They have abilities that either allow them to be in the middle of the action, or sit back and help from a distance. Universal weapons make a return and Recons will want to use them if they wanna take a more upfront approach; but we will get to that later.


    • OV-P Recon Drone (Casper): Deploy a drone with EMP capabilities.
      • Allows you to safely scout ahead without risk to yourself or your squadmates. You also have the ability to emp enemy vehicles and equipment.
    • EMG-X Scanner (Paik): Activate high tech goggles that periodically highlight enemies through walls.
      • Obvious choice for a Recon gadget. This would be the choice for players who want to be a more upfront Recon and clear out objectives with their squad by calling out enemy placements.


    • SOFLAM: Target Designator that allows you to paint craft so that the Assault class can lock-on without needing a launcher with lock-on capabilities. Also spots enemies and has a distance marker.
      • A good choice for someone that wants to sit back with a sniper. Mark a couple vehicles or players and zero in on the distance your targets are at.
    • Prox Sensor: A throwable sensor that marks targets.
      • Originally a grenade, now tied solely to the Recon class as a Gadget. Throw and automatically spot enemies. Good


    • Movement Sensor (Casper): A movement sensor is attached to your gear that will turn red when enemies are near.
      • All around great trait to have. Snipers can use it to sense when someone is encroaching on their position. More aggressive players can use it to know when someone is near.
    • Acquisition (Paik): Spot targets firing on your position.
      • A great asset to have when you or your squad is under fire. Being able to react to someone shooting on you without having to first find where they are is a great boon.

    Universal Gadgets

    So some of you may have noticed, not all the gadgets are listen. That's because some of them are universal and can be used on any class. We have all had times in the past where your squad mates or teammates are not being teammates and you and everyone else suffer for it. Unfortunately, a downside of the class system if that you can only take one role at a time. Those roles are the best at what they do, but the universal gadgets can help all classes lean into a bit role more to either support yourself or your team, even if it's not as much as the proper class.

    • First Aid: Toss a first aid pack to a teammate or give it to yourself. Resorting your health overtime.
      • The return of the med pack from previous Battlefields. This will allow any class to support themselves or their team if they need to. If you're an assault and want to run a First Aid bag instead of a Launcher, you are free to do so. You won't heal as well as a proper medic, but you can add your own bit of support.
    • Ammo Pack: Toss a Ammo Pack to a teammate or give it to yourself. Giving you a small amount of ammo overtime.
      • The return of the ammo pack from previous Battlefields. Like the first aid, allows you to resupply ammo to your teammates or yourself. We've all had moments where the supports just don't drop ammo. Now you can do it yourself to a small degree. I'm not sure entirely how much ammo it should give. Either restore it overtime to a cap, or just give a single mag.
    • Repair Tool: A tool designed to repair ground and air vehicles. Also does some damage to the enemy if you are close enough.
      • Originally I thought of giving the Repair Tool to the support class like in Battlefield 1 & 5. But I elected to make it universal. No one class specializes in vehicles in this game (although a return of the Pilot and the Tanker would be welcome additions and the Repair tool would go to them) so I thought having it on any class would be a benefit. If it ever did go to the support class, I would combine the Ammo and Armor crates to make the Resupply Crate and give it a longer cool down to compensate for its increase in usefulness.
    • Anti Tank Mine: Set down a mine that will detonate when an enemy tank or vehicle runs over it.
      • Many people will disagree with this being universal, however I think it works. It gives every class the ability to hold back vehicles, so it keeps vehicles in check. But on the flip side, there are many other options for the classes to choose from; so I don't think we would see too many mines.
    • Armor Plate: Insert an armor plate inside your tactical vest to protect yourself. Does not reduce headshot damage.
      • Basic armor plate. Gives all classes the ability to tank a bit more damage. Many other great options to choose from, so I don't think popularity will be an issue.

    So that's all the classes. 5 man squads with 5 classes. If a squad has all the classes, they will be extremely well rounded and well prepared to deal with any encounter that they stumble across. Unfortunately, 2042 was neutered when it comes to gadgets, traits and abilities; but hopefully with time more will be released.

    Now some of you may ask, well with Specialists gone and classes back, what's the point of Specialists in Hazard Zone? Specialists actually work in Hazard Zone. You can't have a squad of four Boris' so immersion still works (for the most part). Also, you still have that freedom in Hazard Zone. You can use the Grapple with an SMG if you want. Furthermore, it makes more sense that you would have a special forces operator go in and deploy in Hazard Zone, rather than a frontline soldier. You can use Casper with an Assault Rifle. It's a twist on the All-Out-Warfare mode. Skins for the classes can be made and will arguably sell just as well as skins for Specialists in Hazard Zone.

    Universal Weapons

    Universal Weapons should make a return if the class system becomes implemented. The Universal Weapons would be as follows:

    Personal Defense Weapons (PDWs): Close quarter weapons that function similar to submachine guns and would be good at a close-medium range. Weapons of this type would include things like:

    • P90
    • MP7
    • AAC Honey Badger
    • FMG-9

    DMRs: Long range semi-auto rifles. Excellent for Long Range or Medium Range engagements. Not great at close range due to it being semi-auto. Weapons of this type would include things like:

    • DM7
    • SVK
    • VCAR
    • M14
    • FN MK20 SSR

    Shotguns: Pellet or Slug based weapons that excel in close quarters. Weapons of this type would be:

    • MCS-880
    • GVT 45-70
    • 12M Auto
    • 12 Guage
    • Spaz-12

    This fills out the weapons that are universally usable. Shotguns would excel at close range (or medium range with slugs). PDW's would be great for CQB/Medium Range. DMRs would be great at medium range or a substitute for a long range sniper rifle. This gives variety to the classes and what they can do. A Recon isn't just locked to a long range sniper, and the Support isn't locked to a slow LMG.

    Team Size & Maps

    Many people have been complaining about the 128 player count and map size. Personally, I enjoy but I understand the frustration. At times it becomes too much and the map size can sometimes make it feel empty in certain areas. First let's start with Team Size:

    64v64 is a cool concept, but doesn't do super well in practice. It can either be overly chaotic or overly empty. I suggest reducing the player count down to a nice even 50v50 or 100 total players. Not only does this cut back on the amount of players in any given game, but it also allows an even 10 squads of 5 players to be achieved. Locking squads (if that feature ever returns) would simply start another squad with the required amount of players to achieve the full 50 teammates.

    128 players down to 100 players is a 28% decrease in player count. I suggest around a 20%-30% decrease in map size to compensate. This should hopefully decrease the amount of emptiness in the game. Coupled with some map reworks to allow more destruction, interactive environments (such as fortifications, turrets and resupply stations from Battlefield 5) and better pathing; I believe the game would play out much better than 64v64. Furthermore, more varied weather effects and dynamics would play very well. Imagine a tornado tears through a village and rips up house after house. Hail on a snow map decreases visibility (less than the sandstorm) and causes a small amount of damage overtime if you are outside leading to more inside close range engagements. Maybe Earthquakes, Tsunamis or Hurricanes that might make it harder to fly aircrafts.


    Back in previous Battlefields, players were given two gadgets to use. However, due to one of the D-Pad slots being taken up by grenades (and the plus system), this is difficult. This isn't an issue on PC because of all the different buttons, but it is on controller. With controller remapping, double press and long press (ala Destiny 2) it is possible to do.

    The new default layout could look something like this:

    L2/LT: Aim

    R2/RT: Fire

    L1/LB: Plus System

    R1/RB: Ping/Quick Chat

    D-Pad Up: Grenade

    D-Pad Left: Gadget 1

    D-Pad Right: Gadget 2

    D-Pad Down: Underbarrel/Change Fire Mode

    Y/Triangle: Switch Weapons

    X/Square: Reload/Use

    B/Circle: Stance Change

    A/ Cross: Jump

    L3: Sprint

    R3: Melee

    L1+R1/LB+RB: Call-In tablet

    L3+R3: Ability

    Everything is maintained and you now have two gadgets at your disposal without messing up any other controls. This would be customizable in the key bindings menu with the addition of Double Press/Long Press to provide even more accessiblity and bindings for controller players.

    Battlefield 2042 has the most potential out of any Battlefield to date. I truly believe that with time and effort, it can become something that lasts a long long time; ESPECIALLY with portal. Battlefield 2042 did not have the best launch by a LONG SHOT; but that doesn't mean it can't improve. With feedback and patience, we can get something amazing.

    Edit: Added a 'Controls' section.

    submitted by /u/Swierky
    [link] [comments]

    And people think the Bolte is fast

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:00 PM PST

    My guy didn’t stand a chance

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 05:16 PM PST

    Exactly how I planned it

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:42 PM PST

    Yes, chat-filter censors "you suck," but allows the N-Word

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 12:44 AM PST

    2042 has implemented various death animations for being burned alive. (BFV at end for comparisons sake)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Remember the USAS-12 from Battlefield 3? This is him now, feel old yet?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:32 PM PST

    This Melee Kill did NOT go as planned.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:52 PM PST

    Seeing BF 2042 concepts art, and realising those are not the guns we can built, hurts :(

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:40 PM PST

    Unexpected Blitzkrieg

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 02:25 AM PST

    Comments from a Senior Design Director at Ripple Effect on Battlefield 2042 Portal XP and Progression

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 09:11 PM PST

    He knew someone was watching

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 02:58 PM PST

    I surprised myself with this play

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 05:13 AM PST

    Thats an enemy airship

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:26 PM PST

    i got betrayed ��

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Keep getting this message when I try to load up battlefield.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:57 PM PST

    not today homeboy, not today

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 09:06 PM PST

    the bolte lets you have the most fun in 2042

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:59 PM PST

    Connectivity issues

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Anyone on ps5 having issues all of a sudden connecting to online services? I can't start a party in game or see any of my friends.

    submitted by /u/Tsegoh
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:22 PM PST

    They deserved it for calling in that Bolte

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 05:52 PM PST

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