• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Battlefield For those of you who sort by new, enjoy my new longest headshot (412m)

    Battlefield For those of you who sort by new, enjoy my new longest headshot (412m)

    For those of you who sort by new, enjoy my new longest headshot (412m)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:47 AM PST

    Like a movie

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:20 PM PST

    Battlefield 5 has had a record number of peak players on Steam :)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 03:14 AM PST

    Started playing bf1 after a really long time and noticed how the balancing is absolute dog sh*t

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 07:57 AM PST

    Another Tow :x

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 02:38 AM PST

    What makes this game fun you ask?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    What the hell was that?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:29 PM PST

    m4 + ironsight

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:24 AM PST

    BF 109 takes off to intercept enemy bombers.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:11 AM PST

    The beauty of battlefield. A BF1 and BFV Fan made cinematic trailer

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Started playing BFV for the first time since the summer update. Just as fun as I remember. (This video was taken moments before I blew myself up with my own grenade)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Classic only in Battlefield moment

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 04:58 AM PST

    BFV might not be the most popular, but the sniping can be so satisfying at times.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Hey so I recently got most of the battlefield games and made a lil comp about them

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:36 AM PST

    All my favorite ps4 lobbies i can find a game any time of day, this game is too much fun!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Which Battlefield has the highest playerbase currently?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Im trying to get into one of the battlefield games and I was wondering which one has the highest playerbase in your experience?

    submitted by /u/Eldr1tchB1rd
    [link] [comments]

    No aim

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    2 nice battlefield1 plays

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:58 AM PST

    [BFV] Clip Sniper Battlefield V (Highlights Recon BFV)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Yoo do you guys think this is legit???

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:11 PM PST

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