• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    Battlefield 3 EA DICE's screenshot master shares some really beautiful Battlefield 3 photos

    Battlefield 3 EA DICE's screenshot master shares some really beautiful Battlefield 3 photos

    EA DICE's screenshot master shares some really beautiful Battlefield 3 photos

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:45 PM PST

    Can't get into Battlefield IV?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:25 AM PST

    I would prolly get shit on if i posted this on the bf4 forum.

    Anyway a long time bf3 player here, tried playing bf4 but it just feels inferior to bf3 in almost every way, the maps are complete shit, levolution is a joke, looks cool for 5 seconds tho, it DOES NOT changes the flow of the game, if anything it just makes it worse, eg. Siege, Flood zone, not all maps are bad tho, any map without vehicles are kinda good, vehicle/infantry balance are complete shit, no cover for infantries, golmud railway, op white out is absolutely horrible for infantries, no cover from objs to objs, any "Big" map is trash for infantry play, bf3's bander desert was large but it was also great for infantries, i mean they even managed to make caspian boring, like HOW?? almost every weapon is copied from bf3.

    if anything I like is the gunplay, i think it's better that bf3's (i still prefer bf3's gunplay over 4's tho), no suppression

    now I'm not saying it's a bad game, what I feel is that there's no reason for me to play bf4 over bf3, and if i had started playing bf4 first I would surely enjoy it.

    so anyone else feels the same way?

    submitted by /u/Go_Limitless
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    “Failed to join” notification on 360

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    So usually after a few tries I could join a server but the past two weeks I've even totally unable to join a server on 360. My internet connection is fine so I'm bot sure what's up....

    submitted by /u/aswpsych
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    Is there a way to change controls so i use r2 to shoot and l2 to aim instead of r1 and l1? (Ps3)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I use a ps4 controller on my ps3 and I dont know how to change the shoot and ads trigger

    submitted by /u/Dogenoscope123
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