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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    Battlefield 3 This instantly reminded me of the mission in BF3.

    Battlefield 3 This instantly reminded me of the mission in BF3.

    This instantly reminded me of the mission in BF3.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Multiplayer in ps3 doesn't working

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:50 PM PST

    The company is working fine. when you start a network game, my screen darkens a little and that's it. after that I cannot press more than one button and I have to turn off the game. I already updated the game, and the console wrote that the latest console update was installed

    submitted by /u/Lavrushka0812
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    Low fps

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST

    Could someone help me with an fps problem on my bf3? I have a 1650, ryzen 5 3600x, 8gb Ram, 500w and my game does not go out of 20 fps even with everything at minimum

    submitted by /u/Buff_Montagne
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    I honestly Wish I could say the other top player was cheating but I'd be lying to myself

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:26 PM PST

    BF3 co-op 2020 not working?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Hi guys, Amazon recently released BF3 to Prime subscribers, so my friends and I started playing but none of us managed to play co-op, nobody, public matches don't find matches and private matches never start and cancel alone, someone have a solution?

    submitted by /u/Sea_Level_902
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    Commentary - TDM Death Valley... Lots Of Camping Festival

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:47 AM PST

    This game has aged like milk but its still somehow alright

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I was pretty delusional to think this game was the battlefield in the franchise, perhaps best in nostlalgia factor, but in playability no... It just doesnt keep up with the current standards... well duh, its a nearly decade old game but still, given to the general sentiment of this being the best BF game ever made and with all these ground breaking technologies it came with back in 2011, I just have to give yall a reality check of this game.

    First of the crucial aspects of a good FPS game, the netcode & hitreg. It's absolutely awful, the amount of time you die behind an obstacle after u elude enemies shots is just uncountable, even after 2 secs when you should be safe from the enemies gunshots behind a wall they still somehow manage to reach u as if they had a self-guiding system that will make em bend around 90° corner to hit u straight in the face. Gunfights are also a giant coinflip, inconsistent as hell. You gotta dump more than a half of your mag into someone to down em somehow consistenly, its not like in other games where you know if you have a gun that can kill with 5 shots and you with 100% aim land the quick burst of the said 5 shots into someone it will reliably kill em and you can quickly snap onto the other enemy, here with a 5 shot kill gun you dump 15 shots with 100% aim and the enemy 5 out 10 times will still have a bit of health remaining, cuz the hitreg consistency is absolute ass and as an icing to the cake, the kill feel feedback is terrible, makes u even more unsure if the foe in front of u is already dead, before he finally hits the floor and the "You 100 Enemy" prints out. When I thought BFV netcode & hitreg was one of the worse in the triple A gaming industry this game managed to exceed it by far.

    Footsteps are virtually non existent, you could be inside a long empty quiet tunnel and still you won't hear the guys loud echoing footsteps whos dashing towards you to kill you. Again one of the things that BFV is notorious for inconsistency and hence bad, but again BF3 near non existency of footsteps makes the matter even worse, another big thumb down.

    Vaulting is really poor, anything above your cock level is impossible to leap over, seems like soldiers muscles in BF3 are made of soy. And when u finally can vault over something, you have to often do it twice, because the first attempt bugs out. Another immersion killing aspect.

    You get stuck on EVERYTHING, as if getting stuck on pebbles in BFV was bad enough, this game takes it to another level, going over a destroyed road block that sticks about 2cm above the ground? Nope, you gotta vault over that, going over a dandelion flower? You gotta vault again pal. smh

    All these post process effects, like suppression screen smearing, screenshake from explosions and sunglare. I get it devs wanted to show off these new graphical gimmicks with the back then new game engine, but seriously they had to go full ham with it? Enemies misses their shots with their trash aim and you get punished by it by a bitchslap from god, who dipped his hand into a canister full of vaseline. Taking a subtle glance at the direction of the sun flashbangs you with such intensity as if you if stared at the nuke explosion. And BF3 grenades apparently hold so much kinetic energy they cause 8 magnitude earthquakes across a kilometer.

    And lastly the chokepoints on many maps, they lack decent flank routes and you dont have much ability to initiate a decent breakthrough, you lack gadgets like smoke nades and smoke launchers to push thru. You are then forced down to play the boring static game of camping and shooting at those poor souls who dont wanna sit their ass on the same spot for rest of the game.

    But in spite of the flaws, BF3 is not the worst game in the whole franchise by any means, that crown belongs to BFV, which is a failure at any level, true it did some things rights, especially compared to BF3 but in majority of other areas its a complete failure. I only came back to try this out of nostalgia, mainly due to a relatively high influx of new players who repopulated the game a bit thanks to Twitch Prime drop and also because there are simply no good shooters anymore, that are at least semi competetive and fun at the same time.

    If I had to rate this game in 2020, I'd give it 6,5 out of 10, it has a nice gunplay, good maps, somehow sharp graphics and a bit of fun factor, but too many flaws that kills it for someone who wants to take the game just a tiny bit seriously and dont wanna deal with the "CoD randomness"

    Overall, I'd place the game somewhere in the middle of the latest 5 released battlefields, with BF4 being the overall best as it mends majority of flaws of BF3, second BF1 which could be easily the first if they didnt kill the gunplay with random bullet deviation and had a bit more of advanced movement, BF3 the third, BF hardline the fourth and BFV being the worst piece of ****.

    Edit: to those who want to scoff me off as a shitter whos mad at the game cuz he cant go above 0.25kd then check this https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/ShungiteCD/stats/1004037945749/pc/ probably better than majority of the local trashtalkers just after 12hrs of gametime

    submitted by /u/MrExelzior
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