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    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Battlefield 4 Which one of you mfs did this?

    Battlefield 4 Which one of you mfs did this?

    Which one of you mfs did this?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Playstation 4 had only one DLC server in America and it almost always has a long queue and has the same map rotation. Here’s another, just to spice things up. “BATTLEFIELD+ CONQUEST PREMIUM MAPS (2000 TICKETS)(NO RULES)”

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Swedish weapons and vehicles in Battlefield 4

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Swedish weapons and vehicles in Battlefield 4

    Since DICE is originally a Swedish company it is quite obvious that they would throw in some lesser known Swedish armaments in the mix. And as I'm Swedish myself; why not cover some?


    Bofors CBJ-MS;

    This is a Swedish manufactured submachinegun having not truly been adopted into the Swedish armed forces but nontheless gone through test trials. I was meant to fill the roles for basically all classes of primary weapons, all the way from sub machinegun to light machinegun. Having quite the utility with a folding stock, picatinny rail, bipod and a drum magazine which we see in-game.



    Bofors AK 5c;

    The primary assault rifle of the Swedish armed forced. Automat Karbin 5. Originally being a modified FN FCN assault rifle, this weapon has been better suited to fit the artic enviroment. It is often regarded as the best high damage-low firerate carbine in the game.



    Pskott m/86 / AT4;

    Seen as abattle pickup in Battlefield 4 this smoothbore (anti-tank?) recoilless rocket launcher has seen considerable success in the U.S even though having been menufactured in Sweden over 3 decades ago. It is meant to give infantry a fighting change towards armoured vehicles and enemy fortifications but hasn't seen much success against modern battle tanks.



    Pansarvärnsrobot 57 / MBT LAW;

    Being the first unlock of the engineer, it's safe to say this rocket launcher isn't the best in the game but the reality of it is much more interesting. Costing over 20x times more than the AT4, this rifle is a one-time use anti tank launcher needing to track the target before firing to make the warhead track itself to the target. I had been a researced and developed for over several years between the United Kingdom and Sweden with other countries buying a couple for themselves in recent years.



    Riverine Command Boat / Stridsbåt 90 H;

    Similar to the AT4 this attack boat has been adopted by many different countries, thereby the U.S Navy but it's country of origin will always be Sweden. In-game it's the main attack boat os the U.S team but only being able to carry 4 men, 3,5x less than what it can in real life. It has seen much combat around the the middle east by the Royal Swedish Navy. Though reality doesn't reflect in-game however as the U.S RCB's are mainly seen as command boats and not attack boats. There are only 6 operational RCB's in the U.S navy.



    [Swedish armed forced patroling in Mogadishu, Somalia.]

    Posted on r/battlefield aswell, https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/i8hhgq/swedish_weapons_and_vehicles_in_battlefield_4/

    Source; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_equipment_of_Sweden

    submitted by /u/Reyman81
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    This made me laugh

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Ok guys. Who of you did this?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Soflam will get more karma...

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Can you give me some tips? [PS4]

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I know basics as I have played BF1 before, so I always try to play the objective, spot enemies, repair friendly vehicles, heal teammates.

    But whatever I do, I always get wrecked by enemies. Most times before even I react, enemy gun me down. Even I am first to shoot, I still get gunned down. It is as if all enemies know where I am and all of them try to kill me. I am basically target practice for them. I can't control planes and helis, so I always leave them for others. When I drive tanks, I still get wrecked unless I am far from objective and hot areas. They are too fast for me. They even shoot me from a far away with simple automatic rifles. My shots also don't kill them immediately. I rarely land a shot with sniper rifle and it just damages them.

    Now I mostly stay back and help my friends or just be recon spot enemies (vehicles) from far away.

    Any combat tips can you please give me? Please don't be harsh or bully me. I suck at PVP, but I just want to have fun and play fair.

    submitted by /u/Elshad19
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    Luck and a 200 round mag

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    08/10/2020 - Arecibo Observatory, one of the largest single-aperture radio telescopes in the world, has suffered extensive damage after an auxiliary cable snapped and crashed through the telescope’s reflector dish.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    is it worth it to buy bf4 in 2020?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    i have never even touched battlefield before besides a free week on hardline which was alot of fun, but im thinking on buying bf4 as ive seen a lot of good reviews and comments about it, but I dont know if the game has an active playerbase in eu, will i find a nice game at night or is it almost dead?

    submitted by /u/HavardSultan
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    Most kills I’ve ever gotten in a game. PS4 800 tickets softcore conquest large shanghai solo in a chopper ����

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Insert ' I seen this before' back to the future meme.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Triple Collateral Snipe

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Has how bolt-actions fire changed in the past few years?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Vet player (1000+ hours back in the day) who has been playing BF1 & V from when they came out, wanted to play a bit of Gun Master because I'm sick of the weapon imbalance in the other games, and GM is the great equalizer. I've played BF4 only a few times since BF1 came out and haven't really kept up with the news.

    Log on, get into a match (looks like 1 GM server up in PS4/EU, sweet), it's all going well (well not well, getting used to the movement etc) until I get to the bolt-action sniper rifle. The goddam thing won't fire! No problem with anything else, pistols, SMGs, ARs, LMGs, DMRs, everything was fine. I'm like ... wtf? Finally I found out I have to SLOWLY push the trigger ALL THE WAY DOWN and then MAYBE the gun fires. Did they implement this weirdness recently and is there a way to fix it? Obviously if it was my controller, nothing would work, but it's bolt-action firing only. Really hard to get kills when the whole firing mechanic takes like a second and then it's a toss-up if it fires or not. Help!


    submitted by /u/loveandmonsters
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    TIL you can vault over enemies, been playing for years and never knew

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    longest grenade shot ever? will never be proven (the kill was on the first shot)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Well played Mr.Rail...

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Its Levelution!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    I have made a new battlefield platoon we are looking for new members we do milsim and pvp we called HELLFIRE PMC we are a welcoming and enjoyable group based in Europe and North America are discord is: https://discord.gg/g3D8z7b if you are interested in joining

    submitted by /u/CHAOTICSIEGE
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    Me and my squadmate clear the hill with some stabby stabby then take the flag... almost.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    I'm just as confused as he was

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Battlefield 4 Oceania PC still enjoyable in 2020??

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    So let me preface by saying, I own Battlefield 1, have done since 2017, but couldnt properly enjoy the game due to the terrible lag/high ping Id get when playing, I play Oceania servers on PC, Ill post my specs below. So, What Im wondering is whether BF4 is still enjoyable and active in 2020, I checked the server browser and it seemed maybe 3 servers were running at near full player count?
    I just want to know whether BF4 is still active in 2020 and whether I can enjoy it in Oceania, considering Dice/EA's neglect to oceania players in BF1 and previous titles.

    BF4 is on sale right now on steam and I really want to get it. Is it an easy game to run? And is the "Ultimate shortcut bundle" actually worth it for a new player in 2020?


    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80 GHz
    RAM: 8.00 GB
    GPU: GeForce GTX 1050
    System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

    submitted by /u/HellOfAHeart
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    BF4 unlocks

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Trying to unlock única 6 and deagle and I haven't been able to play on the maps to be able to unlock. Does nobody play on sunken dragon anymore or the night operations?

    submitted by /u/Adept_Mathematician3
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    I have the uplay non-premium version of the game. If I buy the premium version of the game on steam can I login and retain my progress?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    The premium version on steam is only 10 bucks and I want the dlcs but the premium version of the game on uplay is 40 bucks, if I buy the steam version of the game can I just log in and keep my progress?

    submitted by /u/ClemTheNovakid
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