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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Battlefield 3 Me playing 3, After returning from bf4 and 50%+ kill credits

    Battlefield 3 Me playing 3, After returning from bf4 and 50%+ kill credits

    Me playing 3, After returning from bf4 and 50%+ kill credits

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Is Cooperative Mode Active?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    I would say I'm a beginner at BF3 (I play on PS3) and I was wanting to play Coop mode but there seems to be no active servers there. Does anybody ever play it today or has it died?

    submitted by /u/HEV-MarkIV
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    55 kill streak, user has 64 game hours (text upper left)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Mouse for aim and controller to move in ps3 tv

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    So i got my ps3 hooked up to my tv and i wanna connect my mouse to my aim and shoot but it wont let me, and i have a logitech m510 mouse and in the home menu of ps3, i could move around and click on things but when i am in game i cant do anything. So i was wondering how can i connect my mouse to aim amd shoot in game, and also can i just connect my mouse to look and aim and just use my left side of the controller to move?

    submitted by /u/BuYoK_fopo
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    Loadout: Get 20Frags - Rex Pistol + Switch To M16A3 No Attachments Beast Mode: ON

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Is it still possible to remove that ugly blue tint from the game?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Which Shotgun Should I Use?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Hello there? I have been starting to play BF3 recently on PS3 and I was wondering which shotgun would be overall the best choice. Could you list what each shotgun is good for and what situation they're best for? Btw I play vanilla so some DLC shotguns will be inaccessible to me

    submitted by /u/HEV-MarkIV
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    the badmins

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Bf3 minitage

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Looking for PC Buddy (EU)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I used to play this on PS3. I used to suck bad but eventually on my last months I started to get the hang of it and play pretty decent.

    But now I suck at games again after taking a long, long break/ However I really wanna get back into the game

    submitted by /u/trapproducer2020
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    Origin closes after launching bf3.exe

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I'm launching bf3.exe through Steam (I own the game on Origin) but this also happens if I just launch the bf3.exe directly without Steam.

    Origin opens, the web browser with Battlelog opens and then Origin completely exits which breaks the ping display in the server browser. If I open Origin back up manually, the ping display comes back but my Steam username goes from green (in-game) to blue (online). If I now launch BF3 I don't have my Steam overlay.

    This has been working perfectly fine for years up until this point. How can I just tell Origin to not close itself?

    Venice Unleashed can't release soon enough, I'm so done with this stupid Launcher

    submitted by /u/SufficientlyHumorous
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    [Veteran] Trying to get Veteran weapons for PS3 account.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So I was trying to get the Veteran weapons for BF3 for the PS3. I own and have played Bad Company 2 (60 hours on Origin) and BF3 (19 hours, Origin). Do I need to play another BF title specifically on the PS3?

    Update for 25.06.2020. I contacted EA Help about this. Since this game is now no longer supported directly (i.e. is now a legacy game), they can no longer manually grant Veteran Status for players.

    This is the transcript between an EA Help employee and me ([Redacted]):

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:16:56): Thank you for contacting EA HELP, my name is EA Help employee, may I start with your first name please?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:17:00): [Redacted].

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:17:15): Hi [Redacted], how are you today?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:17:37): I'm trying to get the BF3 Veteran weapons on the PS3.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:17:45): I'm doing well so far.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:18:18): I've connected my PSN and Origin accounts already.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:18:44): I've played at least one full round according to Answers HQ.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:18:51): Right, I see. So you're unable to get the Veteran contents for BF3 on PS3, is that so?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:18:55): Yep.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:20:03): I understand. I'll do my best to help you and resolve your issue with the missing Veteran contents, but I have to inform you that being BF3 a game we no longer fully support with our tools it would be impossible for me to proceed with certain investigations, such as for instance being able to grant contents into the game myself.

    Instead, I'll check with my colleagues and see what can be done in this situation, after checking what steps you have already done. Would that be ok?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:20:27): Yep, sure thing.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:21:57): Great, allow me a few moments while I check a couple of information with my colleagues about this issue.

    In the meantime, could you tell me what have you already done to try and resolve the issue? For instance, did you check if there is a downloadable content for the game in your PS3 menu already?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:23:57): I've checked all available content on the PS store and the in-game store, with nothing found. I tried looking on the BattleLog forums for any tips, with all of them saying to ask EA to manually grant it.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:24:29): Right. I saw the BattleLog forum posts related to this and they date 2011, and we do not have the same support tools at this time considering that 9 years have passed.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:24:39): So certain actions in older games, as I mentioned earlier, are no longer an option.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:25:17): I can see however that you have BF3 for PC and PS3, Battlefield 4 for XBOX 360 and Bad Company 2 for PC. Is that correct?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:25:23): Yes.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:26:07): Out of curiosity, is this the forum post you mentioned earlier?


    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:26:21): Yeah.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:27:11): Which dates 2012. So I am afraid there wouldn't be much I can do from my end in this situation, other than analysing the situation.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:28:04): From what I gathered, you need to have the games on the same platform, and the only 2 games that share the same Origin platform (so the PC one) are BF3 and BC2. That being said, it's possible that the Veteran Status will show only in Origin at that point, and won't carry over to the PS3 profile.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:28:25): I may be wrong, but I'm just going by guessing at this point seeing that I have no more information about this than what the forums say at this point.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:29:30): I'd recommend you to check this very long, in-depth explanation about the Veteran Status:


    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:29:47): "The EA Gun Club has been officially closed down. That means that the only way to obtain the M1911 in Battlefield 3 is to have a veteran status of 1 or higher. Please see above for further explanation on the veteran program."

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:30:21): So as I imagine, this related to a quite old promotion related to the EA Gun Club, which is something that is not being active anymore in years, and therefore I'm afraid that the whole promotion is no longer available.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:30:52): There wouldn't be anything I can do to assist in this situation I'm afraid, [Redacted], as I don't have any ways to support this specific issue.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:31:15): Veteran weapons still show in BattleLog, so if I were to purchase and play at least one 'round' I could get it.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:31:20): Also, it specifically says it was an Origin promotion, so a PC only promotion.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:31:24): Ah.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:31:56): I was killed by a player who did have an M1911 on the PS3.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:32:02): So potentially you could unlock the Veteran Status in BF3 from PC, if you played both BC2 and BF3 from PC, and it should carry over into the battlelog if I remember correctly.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:32:21): Yeah, because the Battlelog shares data across platforms for older Battlefield games.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:32:21): Could you grant that?

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:32:27): I can't, as I said earlier.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:32:32): I do not have the tools to do that anymore.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:32:41): Damn.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:33:05): Thanks for your help. I was going to make a post to the BF3 subreddit about it.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:33:12): See what they had to say.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:33:18): I'm sorry I can't be of more help in this situation.

    Is there anything else I can do for you today?

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:33:33): No.

    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:33:43): Oh well.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:33:43): I'd definitely recommend checking the post below though:


    as it has the best description.

    EA Help employee (25/06/2020, 19:33:45): If you don't have futher queries for now, I thank you for contacting EA Help.

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate and reach out to us in the future.

    Have a nice day and stay safe!

    EA Help: https://help.ea.com

    AHQ: https://answers.ea.com

    Social media (Facebook, Twitter):



    [Redacted] (25/06/2020, 19:35:20): Thanks EA Help employee. I'll use your response for future questions about the BF3 Veteran program.

    submitted by /u/Noobgamer0111
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