• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Battlefield [BFV] Gotta admit i was wrong.

    Battlefield [BFV] Gotta admit i was wrong.

    [BFV] Gotta admit i was wrong.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    I had a serious love and hate relationship with BFV over the past year. like many on this sub, i was never satisfied with the path that the devs took and decided to place " THEIR OWN TAKE" of what many cherished about the WW2 time setting. The combination of balancing issues, poor maps, and lack of soul to the game forced me to delete the game for a while.

    Recently i started playing COD MW. i hoped into the BETA and it felt great for what it was, and i decided to buy the game. After playing for a week the glaring issues of that game is apparent to anyone, and an ugly meta has surfaced which makes the game very disgusting to play. Bad netcode, awful weapon balance, horrendous maps and a disgusting take on ground war to mimic what battlefield does best, but without any understanding how to balance their game around it.

    It made me sick, i came back to BFV once again. the new pacific DLC is breathtaking. Iwo Jima is one of the best maps i have ever played in the battlefield franchise, and I'm totally in love with how it plays in breakthrough.

    DICE, I am very glad to see you found your mojo back. this game can be frustrating at times, but when you leave it to try another game in its place you will realize how much you miss the true atmosphere and the real feeling of the battlefield.

    i can't get enough of this new DLC and i hope everyone is enjoying it like i am doing.

    See you all in the battlefield comrades.

    submitted by /u/greedyphantom73
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    [BFV] Blow em' out!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    [BF5] Calling in a JB-2 Rocket on my own feet on the top of Mount Suribachi to win the game (☠️x14)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:20 PM PST

    [BFV] Had a fantastic breakthrough run!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:05 AM PST

    [BFV] When the wall is the biggest enemy

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    [Battlefield1] Lucky double kill I just made

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Battlefield pacific exe [meme]

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    [other] can I get a first person shooter that doesn’t have a abundance of something?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:09 PM PST

    [BFV] Yeah, I'm that guy on Pacific Storm.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    [Question] Finding a group to play with (BC2/BF3)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Having a hard time finding a group to play with for BC2, which I guess I understand since it's sort of dead. But I'm surprised there's no particular website / service offering a LFG feature. Games like Overwatch seem to have this covered, albeit I understand it is as a result of its teamwork-driven gameplay.

    With that said, are you guys aware of any such services? Ranging from subreddits, to Discord servers, to websites, to anything, really. I'm keen to do some teamwork-driven sessions on BC2 or BF3.

    P.S. I'm aware of the official Discord server of this subreddit/Battlefield, as well as "GamerPals", but these seem to take awhile to set up. I'm happy to settle with these if there is no alternatives, but isn't there some form of quick party-up avenue, similar to that of Overwatch? Something like https://ftw.in/

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_HAPPINESS_
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    [BFV] Feels good.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:33 PM PST

    A [Battlefield V] moment

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    [BFV] Battlefield 5 - Iwo Jima Japanese Defence (Full Round 12)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:36 AM PST

    [BFV] American Honor

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    [BF1] Battlefield 1 - Conquest (PS4 Gameplay) #9

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:20 AM PST

    Got this a while back still one of my proudest moments [BF1]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    [Battlefield 5] Death Bug Stuck

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    [Video] First Iwo Jima Game Did Not Go Well...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:32 AM PST

    [BF5] Short video of action Katana on Pacific Storm, and Flame Thrower. Burn ALL of them !

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:54 AM PST

    [Opinion & Feedback] My BF V experience

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:30 AM PST

    [Opinion & Feedback] My BF V experience

    \* This post is about sharing a personal opinion , if you don't like to read anything negative about BF V skip this post no need to be an* ass and downvote it. \**

    There is a lot that can be discussed about the state of the game, the bugs and issues , the state of release , the controversies but I am not gonna go to deep about those and instead focus on a bit on less charted territory which is what bothered me with the game.

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    Story time, Lets take a step back more than a decade ago ! Movies and TV shows like Band of Brothers ,Enemy at the Gate and Saving private Ryan brought a wave of WWII games such as Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Enemy Territory and Battlefield to the front of the gaming world. Each one represented a different take of approach but for those who saw the TV shows and the movies Battlefield by far was the one we had expectations to help us fulfill those desires to reenact memorable moments from the films and TV ! Yet back then Technology was less advanced and whether it was clunky animations , old graphics or poor connections the result wasn't what we expected but the game did its best. This is one of the reasons I fall in love with the Battlefield franchise :)

    The starting point, A combined arms war simulator, not a run and gun arcade game ;).

    Time had passed and WWII was getting old and a new frontier arrived : Modern Warfare - Games like America's Army , Call of Duty 4, and Battlefield 2 were the hit and again each game took a different take with different gameplay with the nuances more prevalent than ever before. AA was tactical and tried to be realistic , Call of Duty was fast paced and Arcadey and Battlefield established itself as a middle ground with a gameplay leaning a bit more towards the realism and tactical rather then the arcady - with each game forward taking more steps to get rid of arcadey features such as bunny hopping and adding other features like suppression. Unfortunately after Battlefield 4 Dice took a huge turn with Battlefield 1 which will follow to Battlefield V - that turn was towards the arcadey gameplay which resembles Call of Duty ...

    I. The Result of the Changes :

    • Weapon handling :
      • Weapon's accuracy, When the game launched there was a lot of talk about Time to Kill and Time to Death but one aspect that is heavily related to the subject that was not talked about was the accuracy and the changes that happened in the latest Battlefield installments. The game's weapons compared to older WWII titles and even to Battlefield 3/4 are extremely accurate! Anyone who will bother watching a video on youtube which shows actual use of those real life weapons, will see how huge the differences between reality and the portrayal of those weapons in the latest two games and how inaccurate those weapons were. Modern weapons in Battlefield 3/4 were less accurate then the weapons presented in BF 1/V and as someone who shot modern weapons I can clearly say weapons from BF3/4 are more realistic ! This not only took me out in terms of immersion but also in terms of gameplay, with the pace of the game going much faster and becoming arcade like. Weapons which were used for close combat are being used to out preform weapons which were made for longer distances heavily ruined the balance and the fun of the game (seeing a Sten gun taking out snipers in the distance is a real game killer for me). In older games like Day of Defeat:Source weapons shots were just as painful as the ones in Battlefield V but the TTD was longer cause of aiming, MG weapons were viable because of the their accuracy and stability, while SMGs were maybe not to accurate but with very fast firing rate, Riles found their own place offering a somewhat mobile but accurate middle grounds.
      • Suppression as a visual hindrance a feature which has the community divided, for the players who want laser accurate weapons I know this feature is a pain in the ass but for people who want to enjoy gameplay this was amazing ! At the moment the MMG meta is to crawl into a corner with as little as possible angles and shot people in close range exactly the opposite from what you'd expect. This is because the moment a MMG is set up in the open it will get shot down easily with about any weapon (cause everything is so accurate). The vision blur acted as the tool for the MMG players to pin down players as they were used in reality.

    This is how real life Stg44 works when shooting in auto. Takes time to aim and the kick is still punchy enough to make a decent bullet spread.

    • WWII : If we take 'Saving Private Ryan' as a good example of a WWII portrayal (it isn't a perfect portrayal yet it is a really good one) one of the most iconic scenes will be the defense of the town at the end of the film were the infantry is doing its best to use every tool in the book to defend against a powerful combined forces of infantry and armor.
      • When I heard about the 'Attrition system' I was thrilled ! It was a step towards a gameplay that leads to team play, with infantry limited to basic tools to counter armor such as sticky bombs or climbing on the tanks using the new animations to try to hijack it / kill its crew by careful maneuvering and teamwork. Gameplay that encourages not a solo tank riding and reflects the more tactical and realistic approach of previous battlefield games. Oh how disappointed I was to figure out the game instead features a gameplay were a single soldier starts off with enough explosives (2 dynamites and 2 rockets) to take out a tiger single handedly in about 5-10 seconds !
      • After battlefield 3/4's weapons variety and customization I can see why it was hard to even think about implementing a Multiplayer weapons limit systems such as the one used in Day of Defeat:Source where specific type of weapons were more rare than others, cheaper mass produced Riles were the common tool on the battlefield which lead to a specific gameplay which is no where to be seen in Battlefield V. Since its marketing catastrophe DICE learned a lot and Operation Underground trailer was featuring some great ass kicking using Iron sights, something I yet to have seen with in a game, I don't think I have seen a player not using any type of scope (which personally make me feel like I am playing a modern shooter rather than a WWII one) This is is in complete contrast to the action we see and feel from the movie example I mentioned above.
      • Battlefield V isn't a WWII game, its a mercenary simulator ! During WWII american soldiers would fake the *Ping* sound of the releasing M1 clip to fool Germans into thinking they were reloading, cause American soldiers used M1 and not the German army ... with weapons available to every factions there is no sense in using some weapons (due to weapons balance) besides 'immersion' which isn't practical just as using iron sights on most weapons ins't practical.

    Limited arms, certainly not enough to destroy tanks, disable yes but with teamwork !

    • Friendly Fire : This is a feature that used to be a default back in the older days and I loved it , It wasn't without faults and required a proper system to deal with in order to avoid abuse , however it was a system that encouraged smarter play which doesn't evolve explosive spamming !
    • New unfinished features : Battlefield V tried to innovate with new features but it seems like most of them were half baked to say the least, I can easily go on a rant that DICE/EA probably decided to move the cash towards developing a Battle Royal instead of BF V but I am not gonna over do it ;) .
      • Arrival to combat - a feature that is so far off its maximum potential ! This feature could have been used via the landing crafts in a D-day map, Paratroopers for the allies and vehicle deployment for the axis, bunkers or barracks starting locations for defenders and more ! this feature is not just for mere immersion but it also encourages the team to figure out ways to establish themselves in the battlefield to not risk being shot down as reinforcements ! It is both immersive and functional yet we barely got one mode that utilizes it and for some reason there is only arrival via airplanes ... such a shame !
      • Revival - I still play battlefield 3/4 and I enjoy them a lot but in some cases you can see the age of the games OR the few improvements DICE actually managed to get right. One of those is the movement flow (rolling after landing, climbing on walls and so on) and another is the revival system. While I like how it suppose to function, in reality it works really bad and I am not the only one to point it out. A while ago I have seen a video of a guy showing an easy improvement to the system that will allow players to indicate medics to not revive them (without speeding up the dying) for some reason zero improvements were made to this feature not to talk about the lack of the promised drag to revive... most medics still don't know how or why to mark a revive icon and most medics just ignore their role and just go shoot people and don't bother with reviving cause maybe the benefit don't outweigh the risk. Since the game lunched there was barely any improvements to the feature and its such a shame again since I can see how great this feature could have been if done properly.
      • Fortifications - This is a feature that I was definitely looking forward to, when I saw the first trailer I had the impression this feature allow building them up with animations and where ever you want ! Damn Dice you managed to fool again :(. To throw salt on injury, other WWII shooters (example: Hell let loose) offer free construction which gives strategic and tactical depth to their usage unlike Battlefield's V predetermined positions which doesn't work out with the chaotic experience as the fortifications lose any meaning with the constant 1 men flanking flag capturing meta. Combine that with the fact that there is no lack of explosives on the map and the time to destroy is way faster then the time to build and you get a gameplay experience which in most cases discourages even building them up. One prime example of how bad the design is are MG nests, often very exposed they provide limited angles range and most weapons are just as if not more accurate and for a time you couldn't revive people who used them ... no wonder I never see anyone uses them. Fortifications needs to withheld and explosions should be more rare.

    Epic, immersive and gameplay engaging (you chose when to land taking risk of airplane going down).

    • The series is standing still and even going backwards : Whether people like it or not comparing things of similar nature is a common practice and when an Indi FPS WWII game brings more innovation implemented in a fun functioning way more successfully than an established grand franchise such as Battlefield ...
      • Commander - Battlefield 2 tried to implement the commander feature , it was a feature people wanted to love yet it didn't click as one would hope. BF 4 brought this feature back in pretty much the same way which lead to the same results. This feature was a step in the right direction of taking the tactical characteristic of Battlefield and giving it a higher strategic depth, yet that feature needed more touch in order to make it viable and instead of keep working on it, it was forsaken completely in the latest games. Meanwhile 'Hell let loose' is working on shifting abilities and roles and taking features from the strategy genre to make this position viable and fun to play ! Resources gathering to earn abilities which the commander use and the team enjoys.
      • Capture points - Speaking on 'Hell let loose' another step they did in the right direction was learning from a good strategic WWII game 'Company of heroes' (which was brilliant) and adopting the capture and resource connection ! I was again disappointed to see that the capture flags of Battlefield V were at most just a vehicle spawn location just like in Battlefield 1942. The somewhat generic flags system of the franchise lead to the cat and mouse meta that is common accros all Battlefield games with individuals chaotically running around like headless chickens. Instead of developing a more strategic layered experience which will encourage better decision making (with Commander) and incentives for team gameplay to acquire shifting battlefield priorities such as resources Battlefield V offers no renovation.
      • Pilot and Tanker - Since there is no resources and therefore no cost (but time) for taking vehicles, players are encouraged to just leap into one with little care, using them often just as a fast transport and hurting their team in the process. This beautiful feature was the way to discourage people from hijacking limited vehicles and in Battlefield 1 hijackers were 'punished' by receiving just a pistol to avoid this behavior, Battlefield V decided a Sten was needed ...

    The direction was correct, the execution wasn't however it doesn't mean they should have removed it.

    • Tools of Communication : just a few months after Battlefield V's release another game called Apex Legends was released as well by the publisher EA. If I had to compare DICE to Respawn Entertainment before the release of those games I would have said that DICE is in another league ... after not so much the case. See unlike Battlefield V, Apex got one of the best in game communication systems out there ! Is it perfect ? no there is still ways to improve but god damn its good ! with both good map indicators and voice lines that are connected to both marking options and spotting options and all of those are tied to objects the pointer can interact with! this system surpasses the Q function from BFV by light years !!!
      • Indicators - The latest patch almost a year after the game's release finally gave us map indicators for ammo and health boxes and even made them viable to use, an issue I and many others talked about for ages. But those aren't the only problems :
        • Poor UI design which doesn't reflect any WWII feeling (unlike older games), if anything it still fills a bit beta like.
        • Minimap that looks like its still a placeholder with way less details and harder to read compared to BF1.
        • No incoming medic voice ques when being marked by a medic which trigger by distances to target to make sure the dying player know the medic is around and on his way !
        • Even after the improvements to repairs ammo and health , it seems like voices ques and indicators still need more tweaks to provide better understanding of who is asking and from whom and where.
      • Proximity Voice VOIP - I would bet that most of the players who played support at one point or another tried to fix a friendly tank for the good of the team only for the tank driver to drive away and leave them exposed to get shot over and die ... I had this happen to me so many times - mostly because you can't communicate with the microphone with anyone outside of your squad ... this has to change! Other games in the market show how good proximity voice can be for creating a team play not only within squads. Personally I would claim that even within the squad the communication should only be in proximity ! its ironic I can voice chat with someone who camps with a sniper at the edge of the map but not warn someone who is next to me ...
      • Spotting - One of the few reasons I tried playing Battlefield V despite realizing the direction DICE was taking was the lack of the Doritos ! basically removing the 3D spotting as it was in the last few titles. I found it really off putting a player can put effort into careful maneuvering and flanking or finding good hiding locations which takes skills - shot one bullet and the moment 1 enemy press Q suddenly an entire 32 team of players will come take him down. Removing this was a good idea however a spotting mechanic of sort can still exist,how ? well proximity based ! basically think about a sniper in real life , usually he sits with a spotter , this should work perfectly fine for Battlefield as well. So spotting will only mark targets for a short time for people who are in a very close vicinity and of course it should follow up with voice lines as well.

    Yes this is from a Multiplayer match ! the first random one I found ! people chatting in proximity mic (bottom left) and team working. Hell Let Loose a WWII Multiplayer game.

    • Team gameplay : Battlefield V discourages it, there is no other way to see it. Medics are often focused on running and gunning rather than reviving or healing, Repairs are almost not a thing, fortifications are being destroyed to quickly to even make sense of building - hack hiding in vegetation is more effective than hiding behind a sandbag wall you just built, Towing stationary weapons and positioning them ? as rare as planetary alignment, Squad voice chat is dead and chatting with others outside of the squad is impossible, Objective gameplay is none existing cause everyone is just focusing on the random assignment they got leading to a constant stream of fast losing games and one sided experience, Auto-balance ? have you heard about it ?. All in all if you want to have fun in battlefield V don't think you have a team and focus on achieving the company coin cause that what the game is built around , making players chasing coins ;).

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    This is it for now, if you like what you read feel free to upvote if you have questions or disagreement please elaborate and comment , I had more points to share but I am to tired, so I will probably do it in the next post :)

    submitted by /u/analyze_and_fix
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    [Other] Some Battlefield Propaganda artwork

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:07 PM PST

    [Other] Some Battlefield Propaganda artwork submitted by /u/Dr_Discette
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    [BFV] I was excited about Pacific War at first, but the maps are just two large ones.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:03 PM PST

    The maps are really all about just camping and using vehicles, and there's nothing for squad Conquest. What's also annoying is that quick match lists the modes separately, so I can't decide to just have these maps randomly show up in a bigger playlist. The maps aren't that special, and even if you're going to make playlists just so people can try them out, you can still incorporate them into Conquest and breakthrough.

    I don't want to poop on parties, vehicles are still fun on these maps, but I'm really starting to think BF4's the only way to go for more intricate maps and lanes and CQC.

    submitted by /u/t3ch21
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    [BF1] Throwback to this awesome theme

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

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