• Breaking News

    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Battlefield 4 Didn't know there are submarines in the game until yesterday

    Battlefield 4 Didn't know there are submarines in the game until yesterday

    Didn't know there are submarines in the game until yesterday

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:24 AM PST

    Check out my new Rex

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

    landed jet upside down on hainan resort's tower roof

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:08 AM PST

    I'm just going to leave this here.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:03 AM PST

    Old clip

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:44 AM PST

    Old clip ; Crazy Luck in the water.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST

    RPG sniping,

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Rogue Transmission is Respawning: Puerto Rico pledges $8 million to rebuild collapsed telescope

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Happy new year :)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:42 AM PST

    I'm pretty sure the other guy was panicking as much as I was

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:30 PM PST

    My friend plays on 30 sens (he raised it after this)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:46 AM PST

    Operation Metro has always been @#$!@

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:39 AM PST

    I am a pro sniper! (Special thanks to my friend who took the pic.)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:04 PM PST

    MPX unlock, nobody plays chain link anymore

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:14 PM PST

    I just need three others who don't have the MPs and would be willing to join any sever just to get the unlock done, thanks!

    Edit: or does anyone know or any active severs bc none showed up on my worldwide search for it

    submitted by /u/FenkDaddy
    [link] [comments]

    BF4 takes forever to load on an SSD

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Hey all. Encountering a problem when trying to play BF4. When I try to join a multiplayer match, the game will be stuck on the loading screen forever and often I'll "lose connection to the server" and get kicked before it loads. My friends playing on HDDs load fast, Idk why I'm not. Tested in campaign and that mode also takes forever to load. Game runs perfectly fine when it decides to load tho. Running a pretty decent rig. Idk what's going on or how to fix it.

    AMD R5 3600

    Nvidia RTX 2060

    Running the game off an SSD

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Smarty02
    [link] [comments]

    [PS4] PSN User can force server crash

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:33 AM PST


    There is a user on PSN who is able to seemingly crash PS4 BF4 servers at will. User does not need to be in a match/game to cause it. Can seemingly prevent all other users from connecting, and can crash at will. This user has informed server Admins that this being done as a "paid attack" at request of another other user(s).

    Is there anyone here with knowledge of a fix, or if EA or PSN has a known method to address this?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/H-Hour_Absolute
    [link] [comments]

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